UA Workplace Experience Survey - Chime in! Richard Boyer October 8, 2018
Strongly Disagree, Disagree Response Guidelines Response Options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Sometimes Agree/Sometimes Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, Not Applicable Positive Responses Strongly Agree, Agree Negative Responses Strongly Disagree, Disagree Guideline Score Description 75% + Very Good to Excellent < 10% 65 – 74% Good 10 – 14% 55 – 64% Fair to Mediocre 15 – 19% 45 – 54% Warrants Attention 20 – 29% < 45% Poor 30% +
Survey Overview Methodology Response Rate Benchmarks Online Survey Administered: March 26 – April 13, 2018 Response Rate 2018 Overall Response Rate: 3,256/6,925 – 47% Benchmarks 2018 Honor Roll – Large (>10,000) 2018 Carnegie Classification – Research 2018 Alabama University SUG Peer Benchmark
Response Rates Job Category Total Responded Percentage All Employees 6,925 3,256 47% Executive/ Admin/ Managerial 120 74 62% Clerical/ Secretarial 1,085 584 54% Professional 2,176 1,159 53% Service/ Maintenance 1,036 494 48% Faculty 1,884 733 39% Technical/ Paraprofessional 398 137 34% Skilled Crafts 221 33% Other 5 1 20%
15 Core Survey Dimensions Job Satisfaction/Support Policies, Resources & Efficiency Faculty, Administration & Staff Relations Teaching Environment Shared Governance Communication Professional Development Pride Collaboration Compensation, Benefits & Work/Life Balance Supervisors/Department Chairs Fairness Facilities Senior Leadership Respect & Appreciation
Dimensions (% Positive)
Dimensions (% Positive)
Dimensions (% Positive)
Barometer Statements Survey Statement 25 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 25 Overall, my department is a good place to work. 78 7 6 60 All things considered, this is a great place to work. 77 4 74 59 This institution’s culture is special – something you don’t find just anywhere. 61 13 57 16
Top Ten Statements Survey Statement 5 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 5 I understand how my job contributes to this institution's mission. 89 3 36 I am proud to be part of this institution. 85 2 81 4 49 This institution actively contributes to the community. 83 29 The institution takes reasonable steps to provide a safe and secure environment for the campus. 24 I have a good relationship with my supervisor/department chair. 6
*Benchmark Data not available for custom statements. Top Ten Statements Survey Statement 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 25 Overall, my department is a good place to work. 78 7 6 *63 My supervisor respects and values my personal/family life. - 60 All things considered, this is a great place to work. 77 4 74 2 I am given the responsibility and freedom to do my job. 83 5 34 This institution's benefits meet my needs. 67 11 *Benchmark Data not available for custom statements.
Strengths Job Fit, Autonomy & Connection to Mission Benefits & Work/Life Balance Facilities Supervisor/Department Chair Competencies Diversity, Equity & Inclusion © 2018. All rights reserved.
Job Fit, Autonomy & Connection to Mission Survey Statement 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 1 My job makes good use of my skills and abilities. 75 7 78 6 2 I am given the responsibility and freedom to do my job. 77 83 5 I understand how my job contributes to this institution's mission. 89 3 49 This institution actively contributes to the community. 81 4 36 I am proud to be part of this institution. 85
Benefits & Work/Life Balance Survey Statement 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 34 This institution's benefits meet my needs. 77 6 67 11 53 This institution's policies and practices give me the flexibility to manage my work and personal life. 69 10 71 9 47 My supervisor/department chair supports my efforts to balance my work and personal life. 79 8
Benefits & Work/Life Balance Survey Statement 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) *61 I am able to maintain a healthy balance between my personal life and professional life. 67 10 - *62 My efforts to balance my work and personal life are accepted and respected by colleagues in my department. 73 8 *63 My supervisor respects and values my personal/family life. 78 7 *64 The culture at this institution is one that supports and values our employees' ability to balance work and personal life. 65 11 *Benchmark Data not available for custom statements.
Facilities Survey Statement 31 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 31 The facilities (e.g., classrooms, offices, laboratories) adequately meet my needs. 71 10 64 13 29 The institution takes reasonable steps to provide a safe and secure environment for the campus. 81 5
Supervisor/Department Chair Competencies Survey Statement 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 3 My supervisor/department chair makes his/her expectations clear. 71 10 73 9 7 I receive feedback from my supervisor/department chair that helps me. 66 13 67 12 I believe what I am told by my supervisor/department chair. 68 15 My supervisor/department chair regularly models this institution's values. 75 19 My supervisor/department chair is consistent and fair. 70 11
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Survey Statement 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 50 This institution places sufficient emphasis on having diverse faculty, administration and staff. 72 10 45 At this institution, people are supportive of their colleagues regardless of their heritage or background. 70 8 74 7 54 This institution has clear and effective procedures for dealing with discrimination. 9
Bottom Ten Statements Survey Statement 11 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 11 I am paid fairly for my work. 47 33 45 30 28 My department has adequate faculty/staff to achieve our goals. 46 42 32 16 Promotions in my department are based on a person's ability. 27 52 22 Changes that affect me are discussed prior to being implemented. 26 18 Issues of low performance are addressed in my department. 48 25
Bottom Ten Statements Survey Statement 35 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 35 Our recognition and awards programs are meaningful to me. 46 24 43 26 9 I am regularly recognized for my contributions. 48 55 19 14 I can speak up or challenge a traditional way of doing something without fear of harming my career. 54 22 61 17 42 Faculty, administration and staff are meaningfully involved in institutional planning. 44 21 45 58 There's a sense that we're all on the same team at this institution. 20
Opportunities Resource Constraints Performance Management/Accountability Communication & Collaboration Shared Governance Senior Leadership © 2018. All rights reserved.
Resource Constraints Survey Statement 11 I am paid fairly for my work. 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 11 I am paid fairly for my work. 47 33 45 30 28 My department has adequate faculty/staff to achieve our goals. 46 42 32 4 I am provided the resources I need to be effective in my job. 67 10 63
Performance Management/Accountability Survey Statement 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 30 Our orientation program prepares new faculty, administration and staff to be effective. 65 11 54 17 Our review process accurately measures my job performance. 55 20 19 18 Issues of low performance are addressed in my department. 48 25 22 16 Promotions in my department are based on a person's ability. 47 27 52 9 I am regularly recognized for my contributions. 24
Communication Survey Statement 8 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 8 When I offer a new idea, I believe it will be fully considered. 56 17 63 13 21 In my department, we communicate openly about issues that impact each other's work. 18 60 14 22 Changes that affect me are discussed prior to being implemented. 42 26 47 43 At this institution, we discuss and debate issues respectfully to get better results. 46 52
Collaboration Survey Statement 13 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 13 We have opportunities to contribute to important decisions in my department. 54 19 60 15 23 People in my department work well together. 64 10 67 8 26 I can count on people to cooperate across departments. 58 11 There's a sense that we're all on the same team at this institution. 46 20 48
Shared Governance Survey Statement 38 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 38 The role of faculty in shared governance is clearly stated and publicized. 56 16 39 Faculty are appropriately involved in decisions related to the education program (e.g., curriculum development, evaluation). 64 11 67 10 42 Faculty, administration and staff are meaningfully involved in institutional planning. 44 21 45 19 46 Faculty, administration and staff work together to ensure the success of institution programs and initiatives. 65 8 66 7 55 There is regular and open communication among faculty, administration and staff. 49 18 50
Senior Leadership Survey Statement 32 48 2018 Alabama (% Positive) 2018 Alabama (% Negative) 2018 SUG Peers (% Positive) 2018 SUG Peers (% Negative) 32 Our senior leadership has the knowledge, skills and experience necessary for institutional success. 68 9 69 48 Senior leadership regularly models this institution's values. 66 10 27 Senior leadership provides a clear direction for this institution's future. 58 17 55 41 Senior leadership communicates openly about important matters. 54 52 16 37 Senior leadership shows a genuine interest in the well-being of faculty, administration and staff. 57 56 I believe what I am told by senior leadership. 14
Richard K. Boyer 302.764.4477 Additional Resources Richard K. Boyer 302.764.4477 © 2018. All rights reserved.