Pisa January Paola Manca
ENPCOM background What is ENPCOM Objectives Partners Structure Methodologies Visibility and dissemination
EU Climate and Energy package 2008: objectives 3x20 by 2020 Kyoto Protocol Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth 80% of energy consumption and CO2 emissions is associated with urban activity and life habits of European citizens The Covenant of Mayors : a model of multi-level governance Involving local/regional authorities, institutional networks and citizens to meet EU 20% CO2 reduction objectives by 2020
A network of local governments, citizens, industry organizations, associations aimed at Strengthening the involvement of European citizens in the fight against climate change by comparing different local experiences and developing methods to enhance individual and collective practices. ENPCOM Project
Integration of the involved communities in the issues of emissions, energy policies and strategies for adaptation to climate change Exchange and comparison of experience of citizens' and local governments good practices, identifying ways to enhance them identifying methods of communication between administrators and citizens to improve the ability of quantification and monitoring of consumption/emissions and to improve the effectiveness of the action of the SEAP dissemination of the principles and objectives of the Covenant and of the European energy policies Sharing the best experience of local governments
Giving citizen the opportunity to interact and participate in constructing a democratic Europe, thus developing citizenship of the EU Developing thematic and long-lasting cooperation between towns Raising awareness, reflection and debate on the relevance and implications of EU policies on citizens'daily lives Promoting Citizens' engagement and participation in issues which constitute the European Union's political priorities Enabling citizens to further influence and participate in the development of a sustainable and inclusive economy Exchanging views with and presenting results to the appropriate decision makers on ongoing European policies and their impact on local situations as well as on local issues with an European dimension
Lega delle autonomie locali is a network of italian local authorities composed by municipalities, provinces and regions Covenant Supporter that promotes accession to the COM and facilitates exchange of experiences between signatories Coordinator of the project with Focus Europe
29 partner from 7 EU countries (IT.SE.ES.BG.DK.HR.BE) NALILG
PartnerStatusCountryRole in the COM Legautonomie PrivateItalySupporter Focus EuropeprivateItalySupporter PisapublicItalySignatory PalermopublicItalySignatory VittoriapublicItalySignatory GelapublicItalySignatory Piazza ArmerinapublicItalySignatory SarrochpublicItalySignatory SiliuspublicItalySignatory SoleminispublicItalySignatory Unione GerreipublicItalySignatory CivitavecchiapublicItalySignatory C.M. monti ErnicipublicItalySignatory
PartnerStatusCountryRole in COM Quartu S.ElenapublicItalysignatory PomarettopublicItalysignatory Badajoz (county)publicSpainsignatory Caceres (county)publicSpainsignatory Extremadura regpublicSpaincoordinator AgenexprivateSpainsupporter ZadarpublicCroatiasignatory Zadar CdaprivateCroatiasupporter SkivepublicDenmarksignatory ShkoderpublicAlbanysignatory ArvikapublicSwedensignatory NALILGprivateBulgarysupporter MurciapublicSpainsignatory OmispublicCroatiasignatory CarlofortepublicItalysignatory
CountryN. PartnerNote ITALY17 13 Municipalities, 2 Union of municipalities, 2 associations SPAIN5 1 Region, 2 Provinces, 1 municipalities, 1 energy agency CROATIA3 2 municipalities, 1 county development agency SWEDEN1 1 municipalities DENMARK1 1 municipalities ALBANY1 1 municipalities BULGARY1 1 association TOTAL29
NumberVenueThemes 1PISA ( IT) Census and monitoring of real energy consumption and the behaviour of citizens 2BRUXELLES (BE) The possibilities of action with the interaction between the public and private sector in transport and housing 3ROMA (IT) The possibilities of action with the interaction between public and private in manufacturing companies:innovation, sharing, and energy efficiency 4ARVIKA (SE) The enhancement of the role of citizens: good daily energy practices, their inclusion in the SEAP and valorisation of results.
Partecipatory approach+discussion and exchange of knowledge/experiences/ideas 1. Public conference 2. Worshops 3. Project planning workshops 4. Practical demonstration/visits
CITIZENS: 1. Raised awareness of energy efficiency and of the COM and EU Strategy 2. active involvement of citizens in policy planning for energy efficiency by collecting opinions and suggestions through a bottom-up approach 3. adoption of more sustainable habits in the consumption of energy MUNICIPALITIES: 1. increased awareness of the EU policies and initiatives to foster energy efficiency and sustainable development 2. increased skills and know-how to foster energy efficiency and to implement the Covenant of Mayors 3. development of joint project proposal and action aimed at enhancing energy efficiency in urban context
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS AND TECHNICIANS : 1. increased knowledge of Ue Strategies 2. strengthening of expertise/skills on the promotion of energy efficiency and on the implementation of the Covenant of Mayors
Project website Dissemination materials (brochure, poster, newsletter…) Interactive DVD Final report
Thank you !