Colonial Government: Proprietary or Royal? 8-1.6
I. Proprietary Colony A proprietary colony is land given to a group or individual by the king. Proprietors shared some power with property owners in Carolina. Made largest plantation owners very wealthy and powerful.
I. Proprietary Colony Carolina had a legislative assembly to make laws. Proprietors and elite had greater representation than common folks. Grand Council decided to make representation equal for everyone. But it was not equal to their population proportions.
I. Proprietary Colony Commons House of Assembly was created to balance representation. Lowcountry had more representation than the backcountry.
II. Royal Colony By the end of 1600s, most English colonies were royal colonies. Owned by the king Carolina became royal because they asked. Tension between colonists and Proprietors is why they asked.
II. Royal Colony Colonists thought Proprietors were taking rent and giving no protection. Proprietors thought colonists were being disobedient.
II. Royal Colony Grand Council complained to the king and asked to become a royal colony. King came to a financial agreement with Proprietors. Carolina became royal. Colony split into North Carolina and South Carolina.
III. Changes as a royal colony SC continued to have their assembly but governor was selected by the king. Governor’s salary was paid by assembly. King and Parliament usually left the colonies alone to run themselves.
III. Changes as a royal colony England increased subsidies for naval stores. Allowed the selling of rice directly to foreign markets. Royal governor established townships in backcountry to encourage migration Settlers there started subsistence farming
IV. Regulators Tension between Lowcountry and backcountry grew. Backcountry = poor Lowcountry = wealthy As settlers moved inland, white population in backcountry outnumbered Lowcountry.
IV. Regulators Backcountry had much less representation in assembly. They felt cheated because they were paying taxes and getting no protection. No law enforcement to protect them.
IV. Regulators Settlers became vigilantes known as Regulators. Regulators provided their own law and order. Turned “lawless” when it began to violate the rights of people. SC finally helped by setting up 7 circuit courthouses to provide justice.