Welcome Come in and find your seat by alphabetical order Put away and turn off all electronics Take out a sheet of paper and put your name, date, Week 1, and period number at the top
English I Ms. Hickman August 26, 2014
Procedures, Procedures, Procedures! Your notebooks should be organized in this course with the tabbed dividers reading, “Warm-Ups”, “Unit 1”, “Unit 2”, “Unit 3”, “Unit 4”, “Unit 5”,“Unit 6”, “Unit 7” Every assignment will have your name, date, unit, and week on it While this will not be checked, there may be open book quizzes or tests occasionally that will benefit those who have their binder organized. For warm-ups, you will take out a new sheet of paper every week, label your name, date, unit and week on it and divide the paper into 5 sections for each day of the week
Prefix: Ab- = from, away, off Sentence Example: The girl was absent from school because she had believed that aliens would abduct her if she came.
Grammar Pattern of the Week A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. A concrete noun can be seen or touched. An abstract noun is an idea, action, condition, or quality. Underline all nouns in the sentences this week.
Day 2: Attendance & Tardies Attendance in class and being on time are important to being a successful student and becoming a responsible adult. The attendance office is located in the main hall. Ms. Dunson is office support for attendance. You will need to see her when you are absent, come to school late or need to leave early.
Attendance Policy & Procedures If you arrive to school 10 minutes after first period starts you must check-in through the office. If you must leave school early, bring your note to the attendance office in the morning. If you have been absent you will have THREE school days to bring a note. It must be dated, contain a lawful reason and be signed by your parent/guardian. After three days the absence will be marked as UNEXCUSED.
Attendance Policy During a grading quarter any student who has 4 or more unexcused absences in a class will receive no higher than a 69/F in that course. Parents may request a waiver from the attendance team AFTER report cards go out to receive the earned grade if it is higher than a 69/F. Make attendance a priority, and always bring a note from your parent or guardian within three school days.
Tardy Policy Teachers will provide one warning. Teachers will contact parents and give consequences the next two times. On the fourth tardy the student will be referred to the administration. A student who is more than 10 minutes late will be considered as skipping. You have 6 minutes – be on time!
Summer Reading Titles Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Sleeping Freshman Never Lie by David Lubar I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” —Frederick Douglass
Alabama, 1833, section 33 - "Any slave who shall write for any other slave, any pass or free-paper, upon conviction, shall receive, on his or her back, one hundred lashes for the first offence, and seven hundred lashes for every offence thereafter..."
We will not write or speak like this!
About Me Ms. Hickman I studied History at UNC- Chapel Hill and Education at Wake Forest University Taught social studies at North Forsyth High School I love to read! My favorite book is Wuthering Heights. When I am not reading or teaching, I enjoy hiking, and seeing my friends and family.
Take this student survey and fill out the information on the back On the back put your: Name Address Phone Number Do you have access to the internet at home (please be honest!) Anything I should know about you to help you learn An interesting fact about you
It is time for your syllabus! You can visit my site at http://www.hickmak.weebly.com for my website I have put a video of my explaining the syllabus under the videos tab for you and your parents to watch and also to practice for future homework assignments!
Ask the Procedure Activity
1. Ms. Hickman, how do I go to the bathroom? Only go in an emergency! You have three passes you can use each quarter. You will receive extra credit if you do not use the passes. Do not ask to go the bathroom when I am instructing the class, it is disruptful!
2. Ms. Hickman, how do I turn in work? There are trays on the bookshelf with period numbers on them. Instead of handing work in to me, you will place it in the tray. If I take something up as a class, I will have you all pass it to the front and the lucky student on the corner places it in the tray.
3. Ms. Hickman! What if I forgot my pencil or other supply?!?! I will loan you a pencil but I am attached to my pencils and want them back. You will give me “collateral” such as headphones, a shoe, your bookbag or something of value and you will get it back when I receive my supply.
4. Ms. Hickman, what should I do when I come into class? You should be in your seat when the bell rings, our class does not wait on you. Everyday, there will be a warm up on the board which you will work on individually. It will be either something grammar related or an opener for the material on that day. There will be a quiz every Friday on the material you learned on the warm up that week.
5. Ms. Hickman, I have a question or comment on the material we are discussing. What should I do? I love to hear your questions and opinions. It is what keeps this class lively! You must raise your hand, however, before speaking. When I speak, you listen (it’s important, I promise) and when you speak, I will listen. This is what creates successful dialogues.
6. Ms. Hickman, I missed yesterday! How do I make up my work! As students in high school, it is YOUR responsibility to make up what you have missed. I will not track you down. There is a make up binder on the book shelf with worksheets and information on what you missed. Do NOT ask me what you missed during class time. This is unfair to your peers. You must use your own time to find what you missed.
7. Ms. Hickman, I am struggling in your class. How can I receive help? I want every student to succeed and believe that each of you can. I have tutoring after school on Mondays and Wednesdays. Additionally, I can be flexible if you can not make those days. Never be afraid to ask for help, it is what I am here for!
Icebreaker: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Homework By Friday, you and your parents/guardians must sign the syllabus sheet and fill out the personal information sheet, I like to know about you! Check out the syllabus video! Why do I need your contact information? I can not wait to contact your parents to talk about your successes this year!