Mushroom Lab.


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Presentation transcript:

Mushroom Lab

The Structure of a Mushroom Fruiting body Hyphae Mycelium


Page 534 Figure 21-8 The Life Cycle of a Basidiomycete Fruiting body (N+N) Button + Mating type (N) - Mating type (N) Basidiospores (N) Zygote (2N) Basidia (N + N) Gills lined with basidia Gills Stalk Base Cap FERTILIZATION HYPHAE FUSE Haploid Diploid MEIOSIS Page 534

MOLD LAB Zygomycetes


Algae provide food Fungus provides protection Lichen Structure Densely packed hyphae Layer of algae/ cyanobacteria Algae provide food Loosely packed hyphae Densely packed hyphae