How do we address our needs at our job?
You are someone who gets anxious when it is too quiet. Do you say: “Hey, can we talk about a need that I have? I was wondering if it would be okay if I had a fan in my office for when it is too quiet?” OR “Hey, I need a fan in my office and I really don’t care if you say yes or no because it’s happening.”
You are someone who is overwhelmed by large crowds or loud noises You are someone who is overwhelmed by large crowds or loud noises. Do you say: “Hey, if you don’t give me a room that I can go to when it’s loud I will just sit in my chair and scream.” OR “Hey, sometimes loud noises or big crowds make me upset. Is there a quiet room or place that I could go to when things get too loud for me?”
You are someone who needs it to be quiet to do work. Do you say: “Hey, will you tell the boss that when it’s loud I refuse to do any work unless he/she lets me wear earplugs when I work?” OR “Hey [insert bosses name], I work really well when it’s quiet and when it’s too loud I have a hard time focusing. Could I put in earplugs, or wear noise canceling headphones while I work?”
Now let’s try thinking about what we would say instead of just picking the best option I’ll do the first one as an example. I want to make sure you tell me who you will talk to, and what you will say.
You are someone that cannot sit still for longer than 30 minutes You are someone that cannot sit still for longer than 30 minutes. Who should you talk to and what should you say? We talked about solutions to this like: using a standing desk, or making a schedule of when you could take a walk, having a workout ball to sit on, or using fidget toys I would talk to my boss and I would say: “Hey [bosses name], I was hoping we could talk about me potentially using a standing desk while I work? Or maybe we could make a schedule together of sometimes during the day where I could get up and go for a walk?”
You are someone who hates when the schedule changes You are someone who hates when the schedule changes. Who should you talk to and what should you say? We talked about solutions to this like: Ask your boss/manager to alert you before a schedule change happens, or if the schedule changes and no one tells you, you could make a plan with your boss about what you should do when that happens (like calming strategies or being able to take a break after the change happens) I would talk to my boss and I might say: “Hey [bosses name], I am not the biggest fan of when a schedule changes and I don’t know about it. Could we make a plan where you tell me about any changes in the schedule before it happens so I can prepare?” What would you say?
You are someone who has a hard time remembering something like a new skill or directions for something new. Who should you talk to and what should you say? We talked about solutions to this like: having the new skills/directions written down on paper to help you remember, or having a coworker or boss go through the skill/directions multiple times so you can practice it and better remember it Who would you talk to, and what would you say? I might say: “Hey [bosses name], sometimes I have a hard time learning and remembering a new skill or directions the first time around. Could we possibly write down the steps or directions to help me remember what to do?”
You are someone who needs some space when you’re upset You are someone who needs some space when you’re upset. Who should you talk to and what should you say? Some possible solutions could be: having a sign or some way to alert people that you’re having a tough day and need some space, or creating a list of things your coworkers or boss could do to give you space but still do their jobs, or create a space you can work in to reset yourself before you jump back into your job. Who would you talk to and what would you say? I might say: “Hey [managers name], sometimes when I get upset I need space to myself. Could we talk about making a sign that I can put up where I work that alerts people that I am upset and need some space? Or maybe create a space I can still work in while I reset myself and calm down?”
Parking Lot Thought: Now it’s your turn to write out who you would talk to and what you would say in order to address your needs and some solutions at work. 1. NAME! (You know this but I’ll pop it in anyway) 2. Read the need 3. Read the different possible solutions 4. Fill in the blanks! Tell me who you will talk to, and tell me what you will say to them about your need and solution. Here’s an example of what I mean!
Need: You are someone who needs it to be quiet to complete your work. Some solutions are: Using ear plugs or noise canceling headphones, or use a quiet room where you could go to do work if it gets too loud Tell me who you would talk to and what you would say: Hey _____________ [who would you talk to?], I have a hard time working when it is too loud. [what would you say?] __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Now it’s your turn! Need: You are someone who gets really overwhelmed or upset when it gets too loud. Some solutions are: Finding a coworker who can help you calm down or support you, choosing a quiet room you can go to and reset yourself, put in your favorite music, or wear earplugs or noise canceling headphones. Now tell me who you would talk to and what you would say: Hey _____________ [who would you talk to?], I sometimes get really upset when things get too loud. [what would you say?] _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________