VISUAL BASIC FINAL PROGRAMMING PROJECT GRADE SHEET This programming project is worth a total of 150 points. Your project will be graded on the following criteria: Introduction Title Form (25 points) _____ (3 points) Title of game on title bar and on form _____ (3 points) Use of different font sizes and colors _____ (3 points) Inclusion of a graphic/picture _____ (1 points) Icon on the title bar _____ (3 points) Spelling and Punctuation _____ (4 points) Overall aesthetic quality and user friendliness _____ (3 points) Is it easy to link from this form to the game play and about/rules form(s) _____ (5 points) Global variable properly setup to accept player’s name on intro form Rules/About Form (can be on one form or two forms) (25 points) _____ (5 points) Modal form(s), easy to return to form they came from _____ (10 points) Contains at least three labels describing the application and rules per instructions _____ (5 points) Use of picture and/or line controls to create a visually pleasing form _____ (2 points) Title and icon on the title bar _____ (3 points) Spelling, grammar and punctuation Game Play Form (50 points) _____ (5 points) Overall look of the page, is it user friendly? Clear prompts? _____ (5 points) Easy for user to make their game play choice (pictures and/or words) _____ (5 points) Randomization of computer choice set up properly _____ (5 points) Computer’s choice displayed clearly (pictures and/or words) _____ (10 points) Winner determined properly and clearly displayed (pictures/colors/words) _____ (10 points) Select Case structure utilized properly in all sections _____ (10 points) Scoreboard operational, player’s name appears, # of wins necessary is clear Results Forms (Player Wins or Computer Wins) (40 points) _____ (5 points) When player wins, a screen pops up congratulating them _____ (5 points) Player win screen is visually pleasing and includes pictures! _____ (5 points) Player has the option to play again & return to the game screen (scoreboard cleared) _____ (5 points) Player has the ability to exit the program _____ (5 points) When the computer wins, a screen pops up telling the player they lost _____ (5 points) The computer win screen is visually pleasing and includes pictures! Style (10 points) _____ (10 points) Points for proper naming of objects and use of rem lines