Domain Eukarya Kingdom Fungi
Traits Nutrition mode heterotrophic Food is digested where externally Eukaryotes Most are multicellular Most have hyphae (filaments) that form a branching network called a mycelium.
Cell walls of chitin. Most are nonmotile. No cilia or flagella on any cells At times a rapid growth rate. Examples: Unicellular yeast Multicellular mold, mushroom, & mildew
Penicillin mold
What are lichens and why are they important? A mutualistic relationship of algae (or cyanobacteria) and fungi. Importance: food for animals, break down rock to form new soil.
What are mycorrhizae and why are they important? A mutualistic relationship between fungi and some plant roots. Fungi aids plant in absorbing minerals.
List some parasitic fungi. Explain the disease they cause. 1. athlete’s foot
2. Smut – Plant disease
3. Rust- plant disease