Titling the Sermon I. What is the purpose for giving a title to the sermon? A. An effective title can stimulate the interest of the audience. B. An effective title can help fix the subject of the message in the people’s minds.
II. What are some of the positive uses for a title? A. A title has value to the preacher in keeping one sermon separate from another. B. A title has value for the filing of the message for future reference.
C. A title is useful for the media and marketing department in the reproduction and distribution of the message to other. D. A title is helpful in arousing the interest of the listener. E. A title is one means to define the purpose of the message.
III. What are some guidelines for constructing an effective title? A. The title should be short. B. The title should stimulate interest. C. The title should be clear. D. The title should be memorable.
E. The title should be contemporary. F. The title should be appropriate or relevant to the message. G. The title should be respectful.
IV. What are some methods relative to stating a title? A title can be stated as: A. A declaration “God is Love”
B. An exclamation “God Loves the Sinner!” C. A question “How Can One Experience God?” D. A phrase followed by a question “Shaking: How Do I Stand Strong?”
E. A biblical phrase “Go to the Ant” F. A simple or compound subject Simple: “Faith” Compound: “Faith: Its Challenge and Reward”