Eelgrass Management Plan Project Partners Meeting October 20th, 2016
Agenda Introductions Management Plan Context Grant Work Plan Review Plan Development Process Closing
Grant Overview Minimum of 5 collaborator partner meetings First public meeting tonight (5-6:30 at Wharfinger Building) 2 drafts to be reviewed and one final plan Content developed to go on Harbor District webpage Final public meeting, once final plan developed
Project Partners Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation, and Conservation District (160 hour commitment) Humboldt Baykeeper (20 hour commitment) California Coastal Conservancy (50 hour commitment) City of Eureka (40 hour commitment) City of Arcata (30 hour commitment) Humboldt County (20 hour commitment) Wiyot Tribe (80 hour commitment) Hog Island Oyster Company (50 hour commitment) NOAA (140 hour commitment) California Coastal Commission (70 hour commitment)
Management Plan Objectives Describe our current understanding of baseline conditions of eelgrass in Humboldt Bay, identify key information gaps in our knowledge, and determine research priorities for eelgrass management in Humboldt Bay. Develop Humboldt Bay eelgrass management process that: Achieves conservation of eelgrass and the ecosystem and wetland functions that eelgrass provides in Humboldt Bay. Facilitates predictable and coordinated processing of regulatory approvals by all agencies with regulatory authority over eelgrass in Humboldt Bay. Provides a bay wide approach for avoiding, minimizing and mitigating impacts of different activities on eelgrass.
Plan Contents Plan purpose Related planning and conservation efforts. The existing regulatory process for eelgrass impacts. Broader spatial context, including Pacific Flyway and upland activities affecting water quality. Eelgrass distribution, abundance and wetland/ecological functions Anthropogenic threats to eelgrass.
Plan Contents Continued Sea Level Rise and ocean acidification considerations. Eelgrass management goals and objectives. A bay-wide approach for avoiding, minimizing and mitigating impacts, including short‐term and long‐term management strategies. Eelgrass research and monitoring. Eelgrass conservation opportunities and priorities.