My Plan By
This is my story so far I was born I live I live with I Key information about self and key past events
These are the things I like Hobbies Food TV Music Friends Places I like going Things at school
These are the things I don’t like
Who is... I am (who they are e.g. Happy, organised, chatterbox)
These are my gifts, talents and things I am good at I can Skills and abilities e.g. Swimming, writing, I have (achievements e.g. Friends, proud of) What other people say they like about me What I think
These are my achievements and the things I am proud of I have (achievements e.g. Friends, proud of) What other people say they like about me What I think
These are my dreams and wishes Now I want Soon I want Later I want In the future I want (Work, Home, Family)
These are my nightmares and what I don’t want to happen
These are the things I need to achieve my dreams Now I need Soon I need Later I need In the future I need Keeping safe and staying healthy What needs to change now and in the future?
These are the people who can help me Now Soon Later In the future
This is my action plan! What Who When My needs What will happen Who will be involved When it will start When it will be reviewed (solution focused – where are you now on the scale, what needs to happen to move you up that scale) Really important ok nearly sorted