Failure & Success in Reverence
Introduction Christians learn important lessons from examples of success and failure found in the Old Testament (Rom. 15:4; 1 Cor. 10:1-13, esp. vv. 6, 11).
Introduction Recognizing that reverence must be reflected in our lives, consider the shortcomings of Moses, Nadab and Abihu, and the Levitical priesthood.
Introduction Let us avoid the pitfalls that brought them under condemnation, and be encouraged by prophecies of how the believing remnant would properly show respect and reverence for the God of heaven.
Moses Moses’ failure came at a bad time: His sister Miriam had recently died; the twelve spies had returned, most bearing a bad report; in consequence, the Lord cursed Israel to 40 years of wandering; Korah and 250 leaders in Israel rebelled; moreover, the people continually complained. Eventually, Moses snapped.
Moses In striking the rock (instead of speaking to it, as he had been commanded), Moses demonstrated a lack of faith, and failed to treat God as holy (Num. 20:8-13; 27:12-14; Deut. 1:34-40; 32:48-51).
Nadab & Abihu By offering strange fire to the Lord, Nadab and Abihu demonstrated carelessness regarding their duties, and failed to manifest a proper spirit of deference and honor (Lev. 10:1- 11).
The Levitical Priests By offering inferior sacrifices on the altar, priests during the days of Malachi failed to honor and respect God (Mal. 1:6-14).
The Believing Remnant In contrast with these examples of failure, Isaiah prophesied that the believing remnant of God’s people would regard God as holy (Isa. 8:9- 22).
Conclusion Learning from the examples of others, and recognizing how easily we can make the same mistakes, let us resolve to properly revere our Maker and Master.
Challenge May we show reverence in every aspect of life: in attitude and action, in word and deed, at work and at home, with family and friends, and also in the assembly with the saints.