History of the Universe Earth’s Movement History of the Universe Misc. Space Stuff Essential Questions $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Why do we have day and night on Earth? BACK
What creates the seasons? BACK
Why does the moon change positions in the sky from night to night, season to season, etc.? BACK
What keeps the Earth in orbit around the sun? BACK
Name two celestial bodies in our solar system that do not show retrograde motion when observed over time. BACK
Name an ancient civilization that had legends related to astrology. BACK
What type of model of the universe did Aristotle believe in? BACK
Name and describe two models of the universe. BACK
What are epicycles and how do they explain retrograde motion? BACK
What is retrograde motion and how has it changed the way we look at our universe? BACK
What is an ethical concern about the future of space exploration? BACK
What is a supernova? BACK
BACK What is a black hole? (and how is it like the big bang?) ALWAYS FOUND IN PAIRS IN ANIMAL CELLS BACK
BACK What is triangulation and how does it work? Contains the genetic information DNA BACK
Describe the life cycle of a star. DAILY DOUBLE
Package protein for use outside cells What keeps the planets of our solar system from spiraling into the sun? Package protein for use outside cells BACK
Why have the popular models of the universe changed so much over the years and how does this reflect scientic method? BACK
How has Newton’s theory of gravity explain the formation of solar systems, galaxies, and beyond? BACK
What is the theory of the Big Bang? BACK
THE PROCESS THAT ALLOWS CELLS TO REPLICATE What is the most amazing thing you have learned about the universe during this unit and what other amazing things would you like to know about the universe? THE PROCESS THAT ALLOWS CELLS TO REPLICATE BACK
Makes ribosomes (for protein synthesis) BACK