What you thought you knew, and what you want to know Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Eta Epsilon Omega Chapter and Iota Tau Chapter February 2, 2018 Topgolf 4050 W. Costco Drive Tucson, AZ 85741 Heart Health q&A What you thought you knew, and what you want to know
How large is the width of a normal heart valve? the size of a half dollar
Around What holiday do the number of heart attacks rise? Christmas
What animal has the largest heart? The blue whale, weighing over 1,500 pounds
How big is the human heart? The size of two hands clasped together
How much blood does your heart pump per minute? 1.5 gallons
What is the most important key to good heart health? Exercise
Who’s heart beats faster: a woman or a man? A woman: it beats 8 beats per minutes faster
Can your heart continue to beat when separated from your body? yes
What is the only cell that does’nt get blood from the heart? The cornea: it does not have blood vessels
What are the ABC's of good heart health? A: avoid tobacco B: be more active C: choose good nutrition
What are some common signs of a heart attack? Sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness and fainting, chest pain, pain in the left arm, pain on the left side of the body
What is the greatest risk factor for heart disease? Your activity level: Stay active! Excessive amounts of sitting have been linked to heart disease