Intro to the Freedom of Speech
Intro to Freedom of Speech Freedom of speech guarantees right to express info & ideas Protects ALL forms of communication: Speeches Books Art Newspapers Etc.
Intro to Freedom of Speech Exists to protect ideas that are unpopular, different from those of majority “Freedom for the thought we hate…” Protects person making the speech AND person receiving it Right to hear, see, read, & be exposed to different points of view Freedom of speech NOT absolute
Importance of Freedom of Speech Essential core-purpose is self- governance Enables people to obtain info from diversity of sources, make decisions Provides “marketplace of ideas” Gov’t doesn’t establish truth People determine truth by seeing which ideas are most commonly accepted
Importance of Freedom of Speech Also provides a “safety valve” that helps people deal with change Through discussion, people adapt to change Don’t resort to force Self-expression like “letting off steam”
Consider this… In 1995, a veterans group applied and received a St. Patrick’s Day parade permit from the City of Boston. A group with a gay pride message—a message different from the parade organizers’— asked to be included in the parade. The parade organizers turned down the request. The second group sued arguing that the refusal violated their First Amendment rights. Who do you believe the courts sided with?
Importance of Freedom of Speech Freedom of speech provides people with right NOT to speak and NOT to associate with others Veteran’s group Freedom of speech conflicts among most difficult for courts to resolve How should police respond to speaker who makes unpopular statement that makes listeners respond violently?