A SuperB-like cell for OCS6 (work in progress...) M. Biagini LNF-INFN ILCDR07 Workshop, LNF-Frascati Mar. 5-7, 2007
OCS6 mx = .25, my = .25
Dispersion suppressor
RF and wiggler sector
Ring ex = .51 nm ts = 12.8 ms
Chromatic functions W Sextupoles OFF Sextupoles ON
SuperB-like cell mx = .5, my = .25 H (cell) = H OCS6(cell)/4 OCS6
Dispersion suppressor
RF and wiggler sector One sector has 20 RF stations and one wiggler section
Wiggler sector Three sectors have one wiggler section
Ring ex = .29 nm ts = 12.8 ms
Chromatic functions W
Conclusions This lattice has: Improvements can be made : higher chromaticity no injection section for now) tunes not optimized ac=.5e-4 too small Improvements can be made : increase bending angle --> similar emittance and ac as OCS6 less cells shorter ring lower chromaticity Worthwhile to continue this study ???