New LivingWater® by Vollara
LivingWater® Inventor with original patent Patented technology with Vollara having exclusive world- wide rights Smart design – automatic TDS sensing and power adjustment for optimal PH results Consistent results across wide range of TDS from RO water up to TDS in the thousands Extreme pH from 2.5 to 11 with amazing ORP readings No cleaning interruption until end of cycle Continuous operations due to water-cooled components Water resistant Wow let’s summarize some of these amazing features: The inventor of this unit holds the original patent on key ionization technology and Vollara has world-wide exclusive rights to this new patented technology The Smart design of this unit has automatic TDS sensing and power adjustment for optimal PH results The New LivingWater unit provides consistent results across wide range of TDS - from RO water up to TDS in the thousands It produces extreme pH from 2.5 to 11 with amazing ORP readings Your production cycle is never interrupted for cleaning - Cleaning starts after the cycle has ended You can have continuous operations due to water-cooled components. It won’t shut down due to overheatings And it is even … water resistant All of this for a lot less than what you would pay for leading competitive units!
About Hydration At Birth As We Age We are approximately 95 % water by weight Our pH is neutral, around 7.2 As We Age We become about 50% water by weight Our pH becomes acidic Different people have different percentages of their bodies made up of water. Babies have the most, being born at about 78%. By one year of age, that amount drops to about 65%. In adult men, aobut 60% of their bodies are water. RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
Your Body How Hydrated Are You? 75%...? 65%...? 55%...? Percentage of Water Brain - 85.5% Bone - 22% Kidney - 82.7% Muscle - 75.6% Blood - 90.7% How Hydrated Are You? 75%...? 65%...? 55%...? Fat tissue does not have as much water as lean tissue. In adult women, fat makes up more of the body than men, so they have about 55% of their bodies made of water. Fat men also have less water (as a percentage) than thin men. RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
About Dehydration Yes! Cornell Medical Center Study (1998) 75% of Americans have symptoms of chronic dehydration In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak, it’s often mistaken for hunger Mild dehydration can slow metabolism as much as 3% Dehydration is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue A 2% drop in hydration can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing So should you just drink more water? 75%..that’s 3 out of 4 people! WATER: AN ESSENTIAL BUT OVERLOOKED NUTRIENT. Susan M. Kleiner. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Feb 1999 v99 i2 p200(7). Full Text: COPYRIGHT 1999 American Dietetic Association Reprinted with permission from Elsevier, Inc. Water is the most abundant compound in the human body. All biochemical reactions occur in water, and water is an active participant in those reactions. There is no life (as we know it) without water. It is also well known that severe dehydration acutely affects health. Does chronic mild dehydration take its toll as well? This review addresses the current knowledge of the effects of chronic mild dehydration on human performance and health, and calls for a revival of patient/client education regarding water intake as well as future research directions. Yes! RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
Now..Two Common Problems Water is very acidic The Japanese refer to reverse osmosis and distilled water as dead water. Our water is Living Water™ Water we drink has been altered Travels through pipes Passes through filtration devices Various systems manipulate the electrical properties During these travels, water has been stripped of its Negative electrons, resulting in a positive ionized form Example of current system…go to a municipal water treatment plant. They are now using plants. RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
What kind of water do you want in your aquarium? Here Is The Question What kind of water do you want in your aquarium? How many of you have had fish aquariums? What happens if you put the fish directly into tap water? What do the organs in your body have in common? It’s the interstitial fluids. On average, a person has about 11 litres (2.4 imperial gallons) of interstitial fluid, providing the cells of the body with nutrients and a means of waste removal. So…doesn’t it make sense to have the best water in your aquarium? RC Rev 17 5-25-2010 RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
pH and What You Drink Alkaline Acidic Neutral Approximate pH level of common beverages shown for comparison Living Water™ Tap Water (7.0) Purified Water (5.5) Coffee/Tea (5.0) Tomato Juice (4.0) Orange Juice (3.5) Soda (3.0) Your body should be around 7.36 to be a homeostasis It is important for good health to keep your body “Alkaline” Homeostasis means the ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes. Much disease results from disturbance of homeostasis, a condition known as homeostatic imbalance. Diseases that result from a homeostatic imbalance include diabetes, dehydration, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, gout, and any disease caused by a toxin present in the bloodstream RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
The Effects Of Acidity Dehydration is a symptom of a condition called Acidosis… Cells and organs function best at a pH of 7.3 - 7.4 Most “Western” Diet foods produce acidic wastes Acidic wastes are manageable in a healthy body Acidic wastes accumulate with a constant diet of bad foods and acidic beverages The health of the body and mind are very much governed by the pH levels of the blood and the bodily fluids. Normal pH level for the blood is 7.4 and the range goes from 7.35 to 7.45. This is pure scientific fact. For everyone the temperature of the body is 98.6 degrees and the pH of the blood is exactly 7.4 when it is operating at peak efficiency. This very narrow range is critical for homeostasis, otherwise the human system gets out of balance and disease can overtake the body RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
Your Best Antioxidants Antioxidants are very beneficial The BEST one is most Bio-Available Water that is reduced in molecular size readily passes through the Aquaporins to increase cellular hydration Drink alkalized Living Water™ negatively ionized H2O to provide the abundance of free electrons (-) to neutralize those free radicals. Bio available is the degree and rate at which a substance is absorbed into the system or is made available at the site of physiological activity. RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
LivingWater is EcoFriendly Last year, Americans spent more on bottled water than on iPods and movies… $15 BILLION Last year, we pitched more than 38 BILLION water bottles into landfills… over a billion dollars worth. Only 9% of plastic water bottles are recycled. • In 2003, the California Department of Conservation estimated that roughly three million water bottles are trashed every day in that state. At this rate, by 2013 the amount of unrecycled bottles will be enough to create a two-lane highway that stretches the state's entire coast. RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
Sharing Water Just Got Easier… In This Box: In Your Body… We have made it easier for you to share the water. It’s called a Water Brick…the more bricks you have that are working for you the faster your business or home will be built RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
The Water Brick Explains It ALL!!! You have to try it! Every glass is an investment in better health If you add up the surface area of the sides and top you will get the same amount of print that you get with 3 8x10 sheets of paper. Words like “You have to try it” or “Every glass is an investment in better health” Living Water Is… RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
Let the Water Brick be the Teacher Acid or Alkaline Acid or Alkaline…explains acidity You put your sticker on the box …great advertising YOUR NAME HERE YOUR INFORMATION HERE ANYWHERE ….USA Did You Say ORP? RC Rev 17 5-25-2010
New LivingWater® by Vollara