Librarians Promotion & Tenure Workshop 2012 The Dossier
Get Familiar with the Process Promotion and Tenure Process for IUB Librarians: Instructions for librarians
Youre in Charge!
4 Categories and 3 Criteria 1.Unsatisfactory 2.Satisfactory 3.Very Good 4.Excellent 1.Performance 2.Professional development/ research/ creative activity 3.Service
The Dossier in Parts Table of contents General Summary Supporting Documents
General Summary 1.Official Forms 2.IUB Librarians Promotion and Tenure Committee Report 3.Tenured Librarians Voting Record Sheet 4.Mission Statement(s) 5.Librarian Promotion and Tenure Criteria 6.Position Descriptions 7.Candidates Curriculum Vita 8.Candidates Statement 9.References
Your CV Dont use this! Create instead:
Your Dossier CV! Reverse chronological order Divide into: Performance Professional development/research/creativity Service All memberships (with dates) Full bibliography Start it NOW
Position Descriptions Include 1 copy of every different one, with dates If your position did not change from one year to the next, include just 1 description, with dates
Your Statement In which you speak directly to your evaluators A road map of your career Point out the highlights and explain them Speak directly to the standards and categories in our P&T process 1 section for each criterion (Performance, Prof Dvpmt, service) Around 10 pages
Your statement, continued Refer to specific pieces of documentation Explain significance of activities, publications, committee achievements Clearly describe your own role Sign and date
The Three Is What evaluators look for in all areas: Innovation Initiative Impact
Annual reviews Only included if YOU request them, because they are: 1.Private and confidential 2.Not an efficient way to make your case
Non-IUB Libraries Experience For tenure dossiers only Include relevant experience if it strengthens your case Most of dossier will focus on your time here
References 6 names, 4 from outside IUB No IUB Librarian can be a reference Requested by the Dean DO NOT contact referees yourself Reference letters added to dossier
Reviewer Packet Selected supporting documents Your statement (10 pages) CV Not the same as your final dossier, but should be close. Reviewer packet and your list of referees are both due by MARCH 1 st. Many referrees will not know you at all, but depend entirely on the reviewer packet
Supporting Documents 3 sections 3 tables of contents (may be annotated) Note the year on each item Match to summary statement BE SELECTIVE Amazing, not routine
Friendly Advice Remember your audiences and be kind to them! Help them to see the big picture Get lots of feedback on both substance AND presentation Get a mentor Less is more