RESOLVING CONFLICT: Blessed are the Peace Makers Bill Shannon
Resolving Conflict Understand what conflict really is
Resolving Conflict Understand what conflict really is Fighting
Resolving Conflict Understand what conflict really is Fighting Sin
What does God think of Conflict? It is grievous, Matt. 5:21-22
What does God think of Conflict? It is grievous, Matt. 5:21-22 Do not participate, Rom. 12:16-17
What does God think of Conflict? It is grievous, Matt. 5:21-22 Do not participate, Rom. 12:16-17 Pursue peace, Rom. 12:18
What does God think of Conflict? It is grievous, Matt. 5:21-22 Do not participate, Rom. 12:16-17 Pursue peace, Rom. 12:18 Don’t give an offence, 1 Cor. 10:31-32
What does God think of Conflict? It is grievous, Matt. 5:21-22 Do not participate, Rom. 12:16-17 Pursue peace, Rom. 12:18 Don’t give an offence, 1 Cor. 10:31-32 Be a blessing, Matt. 5:44-45, Rom. 12:21, 1 Peter 3:8-9
Where do conflicts come from? Differences Offences Pride and flesh
Benefits of differences/disagreements Encouragement, Psalm 119:71-72 Makes us think, Proverbs 15:28 Work at communication, Eph. 4:29, Pro. 25:20 Produces maturity, James 1:2-5 Challenge to godliness, Proverbs 27:17 Strengthen our belief, Rom. 8:28-29 Servant-hood practiced, Phil. 2:2-4 Glory to God, 2 Cor. 9:8
GOD HONORING WAYS TO AVOID CONFLICTS Know them, 1 Peter 3:7 Get information, Pro. 18:13 Study and pray, Pro. 15:28 Demonstrate love, Rom. 12:9-10 Listen, James 1:19 Approach in love, Rom. 12:10, Eph. 4:15 Search the Scriptures, Pro. 11:14, 2 Tim. 2:15 Refuse to sin, Pro. 8:6-8 Respond gently, Pro. 15:1-2 God’s glory not being right, Rom. 15:2
Resolving Conflict Biblically Confess sin, 1 John 1:9-10 Seek forgiveness, Eph. 4:32 Desire to resolve, Pro. 15:28 Meet to talk Pray for wisdom, Pro. 16:32 Rules of communication, Eph. 4:15, 26-32 Take turns, Eph. 4:32, James 5:16 Discuss the issues Decide the type of issues Specific steps for resolution
Lessons from Colossians 3:12-17 Realize your position in Christ (12) Compassion (12) Kindness (12) Humility (12) Gentleness (12) Patience (12) Bearing with one another (13) Forgiving one another (13) Love (14) Be thankful (15, 17)