2004 OECD Work Program in National Accounts and Agenda of 2004 NAEM


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Presentation transcript:

2004 OECD Work Program in National Accounts and Agenda of 2004 NAEM F. Lequiller OECD

SNA revision process The OECD team of national accounts experts will be heavily involved in the SNA revision process Canberra II group on measurement of intangible assets Follow-up on financial services SNA/ESA/GFS convergence on general government issues:

Possible additional « workshop shop » which would report to the 2004 eeting Analyse the comparability of general government volume output, and promote output indicators: possible workshop Analyse the comparability of employment data in the national accounts, promote national accounts measures: possible workshop ?

2004 meeting: main issues Follow up of SNA revision Report of Canberra II Report on General Government issues Financial services ? The meeting dates will be: October 11-15, 2004