We are going to think about saying nice things to others in our Roundup Class also known as COMPLIMENTS. The following are some helpful tips for giving appropriate and meaningful compliments…
Find something you genuinely like about the person Find something you genuinely like about the person. It’s easy enough to pick the first thing you notice about someone and compliment it. You could say “I like your shirt” or “Nice hair” to just about anyone, but a good compliment goes deeper. Take a moment and think about what you really admire about the person before you say anything. Your compliment will be appreciated if it’s clear you really mean what you say.
On the other hand, never give someone a false compliment On the other hand, never give someone a false compliment. For example, if your friend walks in wearing a new pair of boots you think are tacky, don’t compliment them. Maybe she’ll believe you, maybe she won’t, but if you make a habit of giving compliments you don’t really mean, you won’t come off as sincere, and eventually your words will mean less to people.
Compliment someone’s point of pride Compliment someone’s point of pride. A compliment will feel more special when it’s clear you’ve noticed something that really matters to the person you’re talking to. Complimenting someone on what they’re really good at is a sure way to bring a smile to his or her face every time.
Don’t compliment everyone the same exact way. If you tell most people you see “I like your outfit” or something similar, the end result will be that the people you compliment won’t feel very special. Complimenting people on their specific positive attributes goes a lot further. Come up with something genuine and appropriate to say, or don’t say anything at all.
Focus on achievements more than physical traits. It’s always nice to get a compliment like “You’re so pretty” or “I like your shoes,” but the best compliments are those that point out someone’s awesome achievements or personal qualities. Complimenting people on something they’ve worked on means more than complimenting the person on something they have nothing to do with, like the color of their eyes.
Smile, but don’t laugh. It’s always a nice idea to give a compliment with a smile, though you can also deliver it with a serious and sincere expression. However, if you laugh while you’re complimenting someone, he or she might not know whether you’re serious. You might appear to be joking, which can ruin the whole effect. Try not to laugh while you’re complimenting someone unless the quality you appreciate has something to do with the person’s humor.
Now, take a few minutes and quietly think about your Roundup family Now, take a few minutes and quietly think about your Roundup family. Look around at your classmates. Think about all that you learned about your classmates over this school year. Think about nice, meaningful and appropriate compliments you could give to your Roundup classmates. Take down some notes. Remember to be appropriate, sincere and genuine. The compliment does not need to be a full sentence…. a word or two will work just fine.
Each student will now be given a “t shirt”. Put your name on the boarder of the paper and keep it at your desk. Next, students are asked to walk around and leave a compliment or a “pat on the back” for each of your classmates. Be kind, be simple, and don’t sign your name. When you get back to your seat, you will have a “t shirt” full of great things about YOU. Keep this, it will fit perfectly in your yearbook – good memories from your Roundup Family.
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