Reform, Revival, and Rise of Sectionalism Americans in the Mid-1800s Reform, Revival, and Rise of Sectionalism
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS To what extent did the reform movements of the mid-1800s improve life for Americans? (Chapter 18) How was life in the North different from life in the South? (Chapter 19) How did African Americans face slavery and discrimination in the mid-1800s? (Chapter 20)
PRE-READING STEP 1: Behind your Blue Unit Overview, answer the following questions to your best ability. ONLY USE THE TOP HALF OF THE PAGE How would you define the word reform? Then, write a sentence using the word as you have defined it. What are some types of reform movements you can think of (today or historically)? How do people’s beliefs and values impact society’s need for reform? STEP 2: Small Group Discussion Share your answers in your table groups of 4 Agree upon: A definition of reform 2 examples of reforms you know of or have heard about Be prepared to share with the class
REFORM To make change in order to bring about improvement, end abuses, or correct injustices.
GEOGRAPHY CHALLENGE Tape Map on to page 102 Tape Questions to page 103 – book style Use the textbook to complete Due Wednesday, April 18
REFORM MOVEMENTS: MID-1800s WOMEN’S RIGHT EDUCATION AFRICAN AMERICAN RIGHTS PRISON 1. Copy this image on the bottom half of the page under your blue Unit Overview THINK ABOUT: Why might each of these areas need reform? What was going on during Westward Expansion that would call for reform? How did the country’s past play a part in what Americans in the 1800s might want in the future? 2. Work with your table partner to come up with at least 2 arms off of each type of reform