Vehicle Configurations May 2007
Vehicle Configurations Commercial vehicles have various styles and configurations to suit the needs of the customer. Not all OEM’s offer all styles There are some custom manufactured units such as fire trucks, highway coaches and others.
Vehicle Configurations The main method of identifying trucks is by cab style. These styles are: Conventional Cab over Low Cab Forward
Vehicle Configurations These are “conventional” cabs. The driver sits behind the engine. The truck to the right has a “set-back” axle configuration.
Vehicle Configurations This is a cab-over configuration The driver sits “over” the engine compartment Specifically, this is also “cab-over sleeper” with the large rear section for sleeping on long hauls. These are not currently popular.
Vehicle Configurations This is a “cab-forward” style. The driver sits above and slightly to the front of the engine compartment. Mostly used for urban, vocational applications.
Vehicle Configurations The number of driving axles is also used to identify trucks This is a “single” axle Sometimes, this type of configuration is also called a 4 X 2
Vehicle Configurations This is a “tandem” drive axle truck Sometimes, this type of configuration is referred to as “6 X 4”
Vehicle Configurations For certain applications, extra axles may be added. In this illustration, the extra rear axles are “non-driving”.
Vehicle Configurations In addition to tandem rear axles, some vehicles will have “tandem steering” axles.
Vehicle Configurations A truck that can pull a trailer is referred to as a “tractor”. The connecting device to the trailer is called a fifth wheel.
Vehicle Configurations A truck with a body attached, is referred to as a “straight” truck.
Vehicle Configurations Local passenger carrying vehicles are referred to as “buses”. These vehicles can be of the “conventional” or “cab-over” style. Usually, the cab-over style will have the engine in the rear.
Vehicle Configurations A bus that is used on inter-urban service is often referred to as a coach”. Many coaches have amenities complimentary to longer trips such as washrooms and video screens.
Vehicle Configurations Some vehicles have work related equipment attached such as snow plows and fire trucks.
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