Happy Wednesday! Have your notebook out on your desk in front of you and a pencil/pen Turn in syllabus contact, movie permission slip and detention letter.
How to Set Up Your Interactive Notebook
Have you ever heard yourself say… I think I left it at home on my kitchen table… I can’t find my paper… I was absent last week, did I miss anything? What did we do yesterday?
Well never fear… The Interactive Student Notebook is here! What is it? A personalized textbook A working portfolio of your classwork and homework, as well as your personal reflections on these things What is the purpose of it? Be a creative, independent thinker, writer, and learner throughout the year Express your own ideas and apply the “stuff” we’re learning in class
Hello notebook! We use both sides of each page We number each page We create a table of contents, like a book! There are pages in the beginning, much like the preface in a book, where you’ll put important things you’ll need all year I will tell you what page to use every day in class, so we’re all “on the same page” ALL the time! EVERY PAGE GETS A GRADE!
Right v. Left The Left Side belongs to YOU The Left Side is where you APPLY what you’ve learned Records your thinking, reflections, connections, wonderings, etc. The Right Side belongs to Mr. Shock The Right Side has all “testable” information
Examples of Left Side Assignments
This is the Inside Cover of your notebook! Step One: Admin Pages A In the top right corner of the first page, label this page “A” This is the Inside Cover of your notebook!
Now flip the page… B C In the top left corner of the next page, label this “B” In the top right corner of the facing page, label this “C”
Now flip the page… D E In the top left corner of the next page, label this “D” In the top right corner of the facing page, label this “E”
Now flip the page… F G In the top left corner of the next page, label this “F” In the top right corner of the facing page, label this “G”
Let’s fill in those admin pages… Number each line & make 2 columns A This is the Inside Cover of your notebook!
Paste onto B & C B C I Have seen and understand the district policy on cell phones and homework Print Name: Signed:
Copy onto D & E D E SAMPLE STUDENT PAGE Always on the left side Odd # pages on left! Student Input = Drawings Graphic organizers Cartoons Thought Questions Do-Nows SAMPLE TEACHER PAGE Always on the right side Even # pages on right! Teacher Input = Class, reading, and discussion notes Vocabulary Graphic organizers Worksheets Study guides
Copy onto F & G F G BASIC GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS: FLOW CHART: MATRIX: Timelines, Webs, Mind Maps MATRIX: Categorizing info, OPTIC, SOAP CARICATURE: Sensory Figure, Annotated Pictures VENN: Compare and Contrast
Step Two: Number Flip the page again, and… 1 2 In the top left corner of the next page, label this “1” In the top right corner of the facing page, label this “2” And so on… up to 30!
Remember… FAQs: What happens if I run out of space on a page? You rip a blank piece out of the back and tape/staple it to the bottom of the one you’re working on! What happens if I lose my notebook? YOU REDO IT!!! Update your ToC with every new entry Put a title & date @ the top of each page! Use COLOR to make your notebook a good study guide! EVERY PAGE EARNS A GRADE!
Step Three: The following information must be included on your cover: Your first and last name My name – Mr. Shock Class Period School year (2018-2019) “Interactive Student Notebook”
NB 1: Qod 8/22 What is the difference between primary and secondary sources? explain