"I know this for sure. Love is" Oprah
"Love will find its way through all languages on its own" Rumi
"Love recognizes no barriers "Love recognizes no barriers. Love jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination... full of hope." Maya Angelou
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind" Shakespeare
St Valentine's day An annual holiday dedicated to love celebrated on February 14. Associated with the 3rd century AD and martyrdom of a Christian priest Valentine LJUBAV LOVE L'AMOUR AST AMOR
Valentine lived in Rome during the reign of emperor Claudias II. Using a form of an edict Claudias II. prohibited soldiers from marrying The emperor believed that an unmarried soldier would be more loyal to his cause Valentine disobeyed the edict and secretly married soldiers Valentine was eventually caught, imprisoned, tortured by beating and stoning then decapitated Due to his belief in love which made him killed he has become a patron saint of lovers
A Croatian story of love that recognised no barriers XIX. century, Split, central Dalmatia Croatian Romeo and Juliet originating from Split and Kaštela Palmina Karaman and Andrija Katalinić were madly in love and engaged to be married Palmina got small-pox and died Andrija couldn't live without her He lay beside her dead body, wrapped his body with her sheet, got infected and died
Croatian love poem Mi smo se sreli "Mi smo se sreli na zvijezdi što se zove Zemlja. Naš put kroz vrijeme u ovaj čas (čas svijetli kao cilj) stoji za nama dalek, gotovo beskrajan, da smo već zaboravili naš početak odakle smo pošli. Sada stoji ruka u ruci, pogled u pogledu. Kroz naše ruke, i kroz naše poglede zagrlile su se naše duše. O kad se opet rastanemo i pođemo na naše tamne putove kroz beskraj, na kojoj ćemo se opet sresti zvijezdi? I hoće li pri novom susretu opet naše duše zadrhtati u tamnom sjećanju da bijasmo nekada ljudi koji su se ljubili na nekoj zvijezdi što se zove Zemlja?" A.B.Šimić
Croatian love poem summary This poem is called "We met" and it is by Croatian poet Antun Branko Šimić. It is about two people who happened to meet on a star called the Earth. They forgot where they came from because that didn't matter anymore. Their hands and looks embraced and so did their souls. He is wondering on which star they'll meet again after they part (after they die). He is also wondering if their souls will thrill when they meet again in the memory of love they once had on a star that's called the Earth.
Sometimes love is so strong that it prevents us from seeing faults Sometimes love is so strong that it prevents us from seeing faults. Andrea Zlatar, student at High school Bol Love is a feeling that can not be explained nor compared. It can mend every pain and heal every soul. It's funny how someone's look, touch and simple smile can make your day, can make you life. Love brightens up your worst day and is there to hold you when you're not feeling okay. Love makes you see all the colors of the world and hear its every melody and beat. It is warm, bright, tender and bitter-sweet. No matter who you are or where you come from we are all looking for the same thing. Love Lea Mihaić, student at High school Bol
THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL "I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows If I fail, if I succeed At least I'll live as I believe No matter what they take from me They can't take away my dignity Because the greatest love of all Is happening to me I found the greatest love of all Inside of me The greatest love of all Is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself It is the greatest love of all"