Week 14 & 15 Standards: Scaled Goals: Student Will Be Able to: SC.8.E.5.11 Identify and compare characteristics of the electromagnetic spectrum such as wavelength, frequency, use, and hazards and recognize its application to an understanding of planetary images and satellite photographs. SC.8.E..5.6 Create models of solar properties including: rotation, structure of the Sun, convection, sunspots, solar flares, and prominences. SC.912..E .5.4 Explain the physical properties of the Sun and its dynamic nature and connect them to conditions and events on Earth. 1.0 – Recall the terminology used to describe the structure of waves (and the sun) and label these on a diagram 2.0 – Classify waves based on particle motion and identify the patterns that are used to measure aspects of wave motion. Organize forms of radiation on a spectrum. 3.0 – Construct a diagram that differentiates between types of radiation. Hypothesis how different waves would be effected by various media. 4.0 – Apply concepts learned to lab work, observations and demonstrations. Prove that “color” is a concept that doesn’t exist tangibly in the physical world. Vocabulary: Crest, Trough, Wavelength, Frequency, Amplitude, Radiation, Visible Light, Infrared, Ultraviolet, Sun Spot, Solar Flare, Reflection, Refractions, Diffraction, Diffusion, Corona, Convection Zone Essential Questions: -What are the unique properties of the Sun?? -How do the Sun’s properties effect life on Earth? -How have advances in technology allowed us to increase our knowledge of space? Text Support: Chapter 3: Lesson 6 Chapter 6: Lesson 4 Page 193