Welcome to 7th Grade Texas History Mr. Kennemer Room A201
A Little about Mr. Kennemer
A Brief History I grew up near down town San Antonio Today I live Fort Worth Texas I am married to my wife Leighann
A Brief History I Graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in History-Secondary Education in 2012 I Graduated with my Mastor of Arts in History-Secondary Education in 2015
History is all about innovations and improvements… https://globalnews.ca/video/4117068/from-chocolate-whoppers-to-smartphoneshoe-companies-get-creative-with-april-fools-day-pranks
History is all about innovations and improvements… https://globalnews.ca/video/4117068/from-chocolate-whoppers-to-smartphoneshoe-companies-get-creative-with-april-fools-day-pranks
“Fake News”
Fighting “Fake News”
Current Event Topics
Classroom Procedures 1) Students will promptly enter the classroom and retrieve their Notebooks. 2) Students will answer the opening question and be in their assigned seat when the bell rings. 3) Students will keep all your notes and journal entries in there Notebooks. 4) Students will clear their desks (and return their desks to its original position) and return all materials before class is dismissed. 5) When working in groups everyone in the group must contribute. 6) Students will turn in finished assignments to the classes designated Turn-in-box 7) Students will remain at their desks at the end of the period until the teacher dismisses the class.
Grading Types of Grades Activities Percent of Total Grade Major Grade Tests, Research Papers, Projects & DBQs 60% Minor Grades Notes, graphic organizers, quizzes, daily journal writing, & participation 40%
School Supplies 3 Subject- Notebook Notebook Paper Pen or Pencil Optional=Highlighters *Student is expected to bring their Notebook everyday.
Questions & Answers
7th grade… Students of today… Leaders of tomorrow Class of 2024 Expectations and procedures
Welcome class of 2024!! 8th grade teachers will need to change 2017 to 2016.
TEXAS HISTORY - Morning procedures Walk into the building at 7:50. Greet staff and students. No food or drinks outside of the cafeteria. Students will walk either to the cafeteria, athletics, or to their hall.
TEXAS HISTORY – Electronics and Phones Please keep ALL electronic devices OFF during class time unless they are being used for instructional purposes and during passing periods. You may have phones with you, but they need to be OFF and put away. This includes headphones or any other device. You are allowed to use your phone in the mornings before school, during lunch, and after school. However, this privilege can be taken away. Just remember phones are not to be used in class unless they are being used for instructional purposes. If you use your phone during times you are not allowed, it WILL be confiscated and turned into the office. No warning of “put your phone away.” Once turned in the office, you can retrieve it at the end of the day. On the first time, it is just a warning and returned at that time. After the 1st time, your PARENT will have to come and pick it up and pay $15.
PRIDE – TEXAS HISTORY This year, Pride is during 6th period. NO ONE leaves without a prior written pass from their teacher. NO PASS, NO GO! No exceptions will be made. RTI PRIDES- You may only be allowed to leave to another classroom once a week. You are in this PRIDE to HELP you. This means no phones, no just chilling out, coloring, drawing, sleeping, etc. You are to READ and do HOMEWORK. If you refuse to do either, you will serve lunch detention. If you do not have a book, you will serve lunch detention. Your ELA teachers take you to the library every 3 weeks, there should be NO reason you do not have a book!