Social Justice in To Kill a Mockingbird Social Justice Unit Day 5
Daily agenda Reading Lesson: Chapter 9-11 Prove-It Attendance/Roll Call Bell Ringer: Pronoun Usage Vocabulary Spotlight: Discriminate, Effusive, Emissary Mini-Research: Classic Crimes Trials Reading Lesson: Chapter 9-11 Prove-It
Make corrections to the underlined portions of the following sentence: Bell Ringer 5 Minutes Make corrections to the underlined portions of the following sentence: A panophobe is a person whom fears everything they would probably not be alot of fun to be around. Hint: our focus this week is on pronouns!
VOCABULARY SPOTLIGHT 5 Minutes Sample Sentences: In Biology, our teacher asked us to discriminate the differences between types of fruit flies. My grandmother is so effusive that she covers our faces with lipstick kisses every time she sees us. Mr. Jones reached out to the refugees as an emissary, bringing a warm welcome and offers of help from our community. Discriminate Effusive Emissary
Mini-lesson: Classic Crimes and Trials 45 minutes STEPS 1-3 ARE SILENT ACTIVITIES!! Turn your desks to form groups of 4-5 to complete this activity. Each person will select one article from the packet to SILENTLY read & record responses on the “Classic Crimes and Trials” chart. After five minutes, pass all articles to the right and repeat the process. Do this until everyone has completed all five articles. In your groups, share your predictions and your evidence. Do you all agree? Why or why not?
Prove-It and Read CH.11-12 30 Minutes Chapter 9-11 Prove-It Fold your paper in thirds like a trifold. Record the statements on the following slide in the center column of your Prove-It. Label the left column “Evidence Against”. Label the right column “Evidence For”. Remember to leave plenty of room to record your evidence and page numbers/chapters.
TKAM Chapter 9-11 Prove-It Statements 1. The town doesn’t want Atticus to defend Tom Robinson. Uncle Jack loves playing with Jem and Scout but doesn’t want to help raise them. Aunt Alexandra is happy that Atticus has the courage to defend Tom. 4. Scout and Jem view their father as old and weak. 5. Atticus is concerned about how the trial will affect Scout and Jem. 6. Mrs. Dubose was a courageous woman. INCLUDE PAGE NUMBERS FOR YOUR EVIDENCE!!
Clean-up & Announcements 5 minutes Clean-up your work area: Dispose of garbage Pack-up your belongings Homework: Finish Chapters 11-12. Complete Prove-It. Review your literary terms for tomorrow’s test.