NetworkManager CIM Users Group Prague 11.5.2011
Cybersoft – A HeadPower Company Cybersoft is a HeadPower Company. HeadPower is a Finnish independent and innovative service and software provider for the infrastructure companies (electric, heat, telecommunications and water). HeadPower was founded May 2001, Cybersoft in 1989. Ownership is represented by Customers Fincopower Oy (purchasing company for 36 small and medium sized distribution companies) The Electrical Contractors´ Association of Finland STUL Korpelan Voima, a municipal utility Personnel 36 Offices Espoo, Ulvila, Jyväskylä and Tampere Cybersoft is located in Tampere Most of the products offered as Service over Internet Annual turnover estimate year 2011 4,0 M€
NetworkManager What is NetworkManager? Supplementary network information system Provides essential functionalities not found in traditional network information systems Based on CIM standard Open, easy to integrate to other systems Premium technologies and algorithms 3
NetworkManager NetworkManager benefits Improves network reliability Increases transfer capacity Decreases the needs for network investments Improves electric safety Makes workflow more efficient Reduces general costs 4
NetworkManager Features Modular and scalable Extensible CIM-based data model Full topology (as an option) Network scenarios History and audit trail Object status information (in use, planned, removed, ...) Support for moving and copying objects Attached documents and notes Standard product library Company specific naming policy Web, Excel, PDF reports 6
NetworkManager Features Role based user right management Universal object indentifier Modern, flexible, standard based interfaces Single sign on (AD support available) Support for UTC and time zones Extensive data integrity checks Data logging 7
NetworkManager User Interface 8
Thank you !
Additional information of NetworkManager
NetworkManager Architecture 11
NetworkManager Architecture 12
NetworkManager Technology Microsoft .Net 4.0 Microsoft SQL Server MVC WebServices Based on CIM (IEC 61968 and 61970) 13
NetworkManager User interface Hierarchical tree view of electrical network Browser based Object – function model Role based composition Support for multiple language and culture settings Customizable home page with dashboard Automatic network diagrams Online help and user defined tooltips 14
NetworkManager Connectivity diagram 15
NetworkManager Services and Maintenance Integration and interfaces Conversion Technical support Training Customer specific reports Relay models Support for future versions of CIM 16
NetworkManager RelayManager >>> 17
NetworkManager RelayManager Features Protection asset management Relay models Library Generic models User created models Physical model including several functions (distance+overcurrent+ ...) Primary and secondary functional parameters Setting parameters Calculation rules between functional and setting parameters Measurement and control information 18
NetworkManager RelayManager Features Setting data and history with audit trail Multiple settings including backup settings Setting and testing work flow Setting file transfers to relays and testing equipments Setting wizard Setting calculations using external network calculation software Conversion for external network calculation software Impedance diagram and grading graph Automatic network change follow-up 19
NetworkManager RelayManager Benefits Improves network reliability Less human errors Automatic network change follow-up Person independency Generic planning and calculation principles Standard testing procedure Audit trail and setting history available Increases transfer capacity Smaller margin of safety 20
NetworkManager RelayManager Benefits Improves electric safety Makes workflow more efficient Data transfers Automated calculations Planning work 21
NetworkManager REL531 setting parameters 22
NetworkManager Relay setting blocks and functional diagram 23
FaultCurrentManager >>> NetworkManager FaultCurrentManager >>> 24
NetworkManager FaultCurrentManager Features Short circuit strength follow-up Earthing data management and follow-up Calculation of earth potential rise and comparison to permitted limit values Fault current management and import from external network calculation software 25
NetworkManager FaultCurrentManager Benefits Improves network reliability Correct device fault current strength prevents disturbances to expand Decreases the needs for network investments Prevents over investments with accurate fault strength information Improves electric safety Accurate calculation of earth potential rise Makes workflow more efficient 26
FaultCalculationManager >>> NetworkManager FaultCalculationManager >>> 27
NetworkManager FaultCalculationManager Features Fault location calculation Based on disturbance recorder measurements or lightning data Fault simulation using external network calculation software Tailorable search algorithm Network case updates Line, generator and transformer connectivity Network status analysis (at the time of a disturbance) Voltage dips Breaker and transformer fault currents 28
NetworkManager FaultCalculationManager Benefits Improves network reliability The location of permanent faults can discovered quickly Makes workflow more efficient Reduces general costs Search Compensations 29
LoadingManager >>> NetworkManager LoadingManager >>> 30
NetworkManager LoadingManager Features Line loading calculation Power transformer loading calculation (continuous and dynamic) Full topology support Calculations based on Technical asset data Temperature Protection data Voltage used 31
NetworkManager LoadingManager Benefits Improves network reliability Reduces the risk of exceeding transfer limits Increases transfer capacity Accurate loading capacity is known Decreases the needs for network investments Loading capacity bottlenecks are known Makes workflow more efficient 32
OutageManager >>> NetworkManager OutageManager >>> 33
NetworkManager OutageManager Features Status based workflow Collection of planned outage needs Planning Follow-up Switching programs Switching wizard Safety checks and step by step simulation Reliability data management and conversion Visual network and schedule diagrams Company specific documentation 34
NetworkManager OutageManager Benefits Improves network reliability Provides data for reliability analysis Simulation of switching steps Increases transfer capacity The impact of planned outage is known Transfer limitation time can be minimized Improves electric safety Safetys checks Earthing tool short circuit strength known Makes workflow more efficient 35
NetworkManager Switching steps
DisturbanceManager >>> NetworkManager DisturbanceManager >>> 37
NetworkManager DisturbanceManager Features Disturbances Faults Event information Analysis Faults Supply and production interruptions Quality of electricity Protection function statistics Performance index calculation (energy not supplied, ...) 38
NetworkManager DisturbanceManager Benefits Improves network reliability Reveals hidden deficiencies Makes workflow more efficient Reliable disturbance statistics for authorities, customers, network operation and planning Makes post-disturbance analysis easier 39
NetworkManager Disturbance recorder files -Comtrade 40
ElectricValueManager >>> NetworkManager ElectricValueManager >>> 41
NetworkManager ElectricValueManager Features Calculation of line electric values Based on conductor materials, tower structures, geographic information and soil data Mutual impedance calculation Impedance between two lines Span-specific impedance calculation Calculation of sagging curve 42
NetworkManager ElectricValueManager Benefits Improves network reliability Accurate network model Precise line sagging information Increases transfer capacity Improves electric safety Makes workflow more efficient 43
NetworkCalculationInterface >>> NetworkManager NetworkCalculationInterface >>> 44
NetworkManager NetworkCalculationInterface Features Management of electric values Buses, branches, transformers, generators, switched shunts, ... Management of network cases Loads, generation, branch and transformer status, ... Conversion to external network calculation software Inversion from external network calculation software Support for multiple networks 45
NetworkManager NetworkCalculationInterface Benefits Improves network reliability Accurate network model Increases transfer capacity Makes workflow more efficient 46
MaintenanceManager >>> NetworkManager MaintenanceManager >>> 47
NetworkManager MaintenanceManager Features Substations Lines and towers Maintenance workflow Planning Follow-up Reporting Condition estimation Measurements Service manuals and instructions Fault statistics 48
NetworkManager MaintenanceManager Benefits Improves network reliability Current condition and future estimation is known Decreases the needs for network investments Right timing of network investments Makes workflow more efficient Reduces general costs Support for outsourcing 49
NetworkManager Maintenance datasheet 50
SubstationManager >>> NetworkManager SubstationManager >>> 51
NetworkManager SubstationManager Features Substation asset management Network voltage level independent Transmission Distribution Scenarios Topology (as an option) CIM based Full device connectivity 52
NetworkManager Power transformer 53
NetworkManager Substation hierarchy and topology 54
LineManager >>> NetworkManager LineManager >>> 55
NetworkManager LineManager Features Line asset management Standard product library Flexible management of line hierarchy Scenarios Line topology Earthing information management 56
NetworkManager Line Kangasala - Jämsä 57
NetworkManagerCore >>> 58
NetworkManager NetworkManagerCore Features User management Organization management Parameter management Scenario and history management Business objects Generic data services Assured data integrity across applications Generic calculation rules Generic user interface components CIM XML import & export 59
ServerManager >>> NetworkManager ServerManager >>> 60
NetworkManager ServerManager Features Data transfers Calculation requests Scheduled functions Automatic reports Network data change follow-up 61
CIM DATABASE >>> NetworkManager CIM DATABASE >>> 62
NetworkManager CIM Database Features Relational implementation of the CIM object model Coverage 40 % of the CIM classes Based on CIM version 14 (CIM6197014v13 CIM6196810v28.v.13) Expandable and flexible NetworkManager extension included, for ex. additional protection tables Customer specific extensions Implementation on Microsoft SQLServer 63
Thank you !
Oy Cybersoft Ab Hämeenkatu 25 B 33200 Tampere