Securing tenure rights for forest landscape-dependent communities: Overview Esther Mwangi CIFOR Annual Meeting 17th October, 2017 Bogor, Indonesia.


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Presentation transcript:

Securing tenure rights for forest landscape-dependent communities: Overview Esther Mwangi CIFOR Annual Meeting 17th October, 2017 Bogor, Indonesia

Background Close to 2 decades of tenure reforms aimed at: Improve livelihoods and benefits Incentives for sustainable land management and forest conservation Uneven outcomes, with mixed results: Partial rights Customary systems unaccounted for On-going external threats via competing land uses Internal community differentiation, including gender Implementation gaps/bottlenecks

Objectives Establish how forest tenure reforms emerge, and document experiences and options for formal approaches to securing customary rights. Identify impacts of tenure reform on rights and access of women, poor men and ethnic minorities to forests and trees. Identify factors that constrain reform implementation. Disseminate lessons learned and knowledge generated at sub-national, national, regional and international levels. Layout: Content with Potrait Picture. Variation: alter the position and size of the picture

Uganda Peru Indonesia Main countries

Reform types

Outcomes Increased awareness by policy makers of impacts of and barriers to tenure reform implementation Increased awareness of how to strengthen multi-actor collaboration and coordination during reform implementation Increased awareness of reform impacts on livelihoods and forest sustainability Increased application of good practice in reform implementation Enhanced skills and capabilities in reform implementation

Activities Research: how reforms emerge; impacts of tenure reforms on livelihoods, land/forest management, tenure security; barriers to reform implementation; tools/strategies for integrating multiple interests; Multistakeholder engagement: joint problem solving; developing tenure security scenarios; experience sharing; colloquiums; Knowledge sharing and capacity enhancement: training workshops; tools development (eg conflict resolution; gender integration); tenure literacy;

Outputs Research Engagement Capacity development Intra-household surveys (2733) Implementing agents survey (150) Focus group discussions (161) Key informant interviews (150) Info briefs, working papers, Conference presentations Engagement Project Advisory Committees (1/country per yr) Participatory Prospective Analysis (10 series) Colloquiums (4) South-South exchanges (4) Community workshops RRI; SIDA talks; Website Capacity development Training of trainers for the PPA Master class on tenure security Enumerators Upcoming: gender, implementation agents; tenure literacy; tools are under development Tool: PPA for tenure security

Thank you!