Page 329 Checkpoint; Questions 3, 6, & 7 Dred Scott Decision


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Presentation transcript:

3-7-18 Page 329 Checkpoint; Questions 3, 6, & 7 Dred Scott Decision Use laptop to answer the following: What was the issue? What were the two opposing arguments? What was the impact of the decision on the USA? Put Date, Name, & Assignment on EVERYTHING!!!! including what is submitted via email (not shared) Complete the following Cold Text. I will provide each student with a copy of the text and questions.

3.1 Cold Text

What was the Underground Railroad? What did Uncle Tom’s Cabin do? How did John Brown impact Southerners? What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act say? What was overturned by the Kansas-Nebraska Act? What political party took the free soil position? Define free soil. What was the Dred Scott ruling? Why did Dred Scott ruling scare Northerners? What party split along sectional lines for the Election of 1860? What happened when Lincoln was elected? What were the rights the Southern states said were being violated? Why would slavery being prohibited in the territories be bad for the South? What nation was formed by the seceding states? What was the first thing the Confederacy did? Directions: Using your Cold Text, answer the following questions using complete sentences on a separate piece of paper. What was the main struggle between the sections? Why was the South losing the ability to protect southern interests in the House? Why did the South fight to maintain an equal number of slave and free states? What are the parts of the Missouri Compromise? Why did Texas have to wait to become a state? What did the Wilmot Proviso say? What happened to the Wilmot Proviso? What is the ‘peculiar institution’? What are the four parts of the Compromise of 1850? What impact did abolitionists have?