Lewis and Clark Assignment New due date Today 12 March 2014 (in my hand at the end of class, you will receive a 5 pt per day late penalty) Remember to follow the RAFT format Remember ¼ of your grade is grammar, proofread several times, use correct punctuation, paragraphs, transitions, etc. Remember ½ of your grade is based on facts and detail provided, no excuse, don’t be vague. (two topics per region, for example 2 plants from the Plains, etc). Like Noah 2 of every kind. As always , inappropriate use of the Internet will result in a penalty.
10 paragraphs Introduction: What was your mission; were you successful; how long did mission take; and a topic sentence Paragraphs 2-9 For example, (Plains/ plants, Plains/animals, Plains/Tribes, and Plains/Terrain) #10 Conclusion