Class of 2017 CHS Course Registration Information FOR SOPHOMORE YEAR Presented by the Coventry High School School Counseling Department
Overview Distribution of 2014-2015 Program of Studies booklets & Course Selection sheets (we must collect the booklets before we leave but each of your teachers has a copy for your reference) Review of CHS Graduation Requirements/Credits Required Grade 10 Courses NEW Courses College Admissions Requirements Virtual High School (VHS) College Credit Opportunities (AP, ECE, CCP, Etc.) Review of Course Selection Sheet & Deadlines
CHS Graduation Requirements English- 4 credits Mathematics- 4 credits Social Studies- 3 credits* (including 1.0 credit in World Understanding, 1.0 credit in US History and a Civics requirement) Science- 3 credits* (including Biology/Lab) Physical Education- 1 credit Arts/Vocational- 1 credit Electives- 8.5 credits Health education- .5 credits Total: 25 credits (minimum) *(Colleges/Universities recommend 4 years) Most 4 year colleges require students to have taken 2-3 years of the same world language at the high school level A student is required to register for a minimum of 6.5 credits each school year. Additional Graduation Requirements include: E-Portfolio, Community Service Hours, Town Meeting Attendance and CAPT Proficiency
Required Courses for Grade 10 World Understanding or Honors World Understanding (1.0 credit) or AP World History (1.0 credit- must have taken S2 of AP World History in Grade 9) English 10 or Pre-AP English 10 (1.0 credit) Math (1.0 credit) Science (1.0 credit) (Most students will take Biology/Lab or Honors Biology/Lab or AP Biology/Lab Teen Health Issues (.5 credits) PE (Semester 1 and Semester 2) **If you are planning on taking AP European History in Grade 12 (instead of CI) you need to take Civics either before or during Senior year
NEW Courses Open to Grade 10 Students AP Economics - 1 Credit/Level 4/Grades 10-12 Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation (POS Pg. 38) Creative Writing II- .5 Credits/Level 2/Grades 10-12 Prerequisite: Creative Writing I (POS Pg. 20) Live-Laugh-Learn: Understanding & Appreciating the Memoir-.5 Credits/Level 2/Grades 9-12 (POS Pg. 21) Video Production II- .5 Credits/Level 2/Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: Video Production I(POS Pg. 46)
College Admissions Requirements Please note that some colleges and university programs require that students take certain courses while in high school in order to be admitted to their college program. For example, at UConn any student wishing to apply to the Nursing program needs to have taken and passed Physics/Lab while in high school. Please review the course requirements of any colleges you are interested in, to be sure you are registering for the necessary courses during your junior and senior year.
Virtual High School (VHS) Please see the VHS course listing on Pgs. 12-13 of POS CHS students can opt to take a course through VHS as long as the course is not offered at CHS If you enroll in a VHS course it will be scheduled into an open period in your schedule If you are interested in taking a VHS course please check the VHS Interest box on your course selection sheet. You will be contacted later this school year by a school counselor for more information on your VHS course selection You can view the various VHS course descriptions by visiting the VHS website at:
College Credit Courses There are a variety of courses that you can take at CHS that can earn you college credit Earning college credit while in high school will save you and Please refer to pages 6-11 of the Program of Studies booklet for a listing of courses as well as additional information regarding the college credit course options available to CHS students These include AP, ECE, College & Career Pathways courses and courses offered at local colleges Taking college level courses while in high school looks great on your transcript and can help your chances of being admitted to your college of choice, as well as earn you additional scholarship money! Talk to your teachers about REACHING UP to these classes!
AP/ECE Courses Advanced Placement (AP): College level courses taught at the high school by CHS certified AP instructors. These courses prepare students to take the AP Exam (May). If students earn a passing score on the AP Exam they can earn college credit for the course. It is expected that all students enrolled in an AP course will take the AP Exam. All AP students are required to sign an AP Course Contract. UConn Early College Experience (ECE): College level courses taught at the high school by CHS certified ECE instructors. These courses align with UConn curriculum and students are required to earn a final average of at least 73 in order to earn college credit for the course. Some ECE courses may have additional requirements to earn the college credit.
College and Career Pathways College Credit Courses (MCC, QVCC) College & Career Pathways: A national partnership program between high schools and community colleges. Any Coventry High School student entering his/her sophomore, junior or senior year is eligible to take these courses at CHS and receive college credit from Manchester Community College and other CT Community Colleges. Many of the courses offered through this program are elective courses in the areas of Culinary, Technology, Math, English, Science, Journalism, Early Childhood Education, Business and more… Students will earn college credit for these courses if they apply to the program and earn a final average of at least 75 (Business & Math courses require at least an 80 average and additional testing)
Course Selection Sheet How many credits should I register for? (6.5 – 8 credits) Please pay attention to the prerequisite requirements for each course to be sure that it is a course you are able to take (indicated with an asterisk (*) on the course selection sheet) Talk to your parents and teachers about your desired course selections You will need teacher signatures for all core courses as well as AP Art History, World Language, Advanced Career & Tech Ed courses, Advanced/Audition Music Courses, Advanced PE courses and for any other courses as indicated in the course description in the Program of Studies. Spaces for each teacher signature are on the back of the course selection sheet Completed course selection sheets with choices and all signatures (student, parent, teachers) must be returned to the School Counseling Department no later than Friday February 28th. All selections and signatures should be made in pen.
CHS School Counseling Department Mrs. Zadrowski, School Counselor 860-742-7346 (x161) Mrs. Mackintosh, School Counselor 860-742-7346 (x152) Mrs. Burr, School Counselor 860-742-7346 (x154) Mrs. Comella, Dept. Secretary 860-742-7346 (x160) Counselors will be available for appointments to discuss course selections and answer any questions you may have. These appointments can be made by visiting the School Counseling Office.
Thank You! Any questions???? Take some time to review the 2014-2015 Program of Studies booklets before we collect them IMPORTANT REMINDER: All course selection sheets are due to the School Counseling Office by Friday February 28th 2014….