Webinar Process Contents 1. Prior to Webinar Promotion Registration 2. During Webinar 3. Follow-Up After Webinar 4. Archive & Persistent Lead Generation Clicking the images throughout this study will open to higher resolution versions.
Promotion Ads 6 weeks prior to the webinar, ads are placed throughout our website and link to GoToMeetings registration system. Webinars Page A listing and an ad link to the webinar registration page. Social We create a blog posting which updates our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.
Promotion Newsletters We include the upcoming webinar as a featured story in our newsletters beginning 6 weeks prior to the webinar. Alerts We have an opt-in list of people who have asked to be notified of upcoming webinars. alerts are sent to this list 1 to 2 days prior to the presentation. alerts are also sent to recipients based on past downloads of white papers from our website and newsletter click tracking on topics associated with the webinar presentation content.
Registration Registration Form Gathers minimal information: first name, last name and . Viral After 5 seconds, the registration page redirects to a Tell-a-Friend page created with SurveyGizmo. The form also asks if they would like to be added to our webinar alerts list.
Registration Viral s include summary information for the webinar and a link to register. Webinar Reminder s Through the GoToMeeting service, webinar reminder s are sent 1 day and 1 hour prior to the event. They include connection and calling instructions, and the ability to add the event to their Outlook Calendar. Of note, all post webinar items are also produced prior to the webinar – these include: On-demand video page Landing page to download slides Follow up s to attendees and non attendees We do this so that recipients receive a link to the webinar recording and slides within 3 hours of the presentation ending.
During the Webinar Host Our company manages the webinar using the GoToMeeting interface. Presenter The sponsoring company provides 2 presenters: An Expert and a Personality to add flavor and interest to the topic. Polls Approximately 2 polls are presented during the webinar to encourage audience participation (which increases attention rates). Polls also inform presenters whats most important to the audience, helping them provide relevant information matched to attendees interests.
Follow-Up After the Webinar Exit Polls Audience members are automatically directed to a short exit poll with 2 questions: Would you like to receive alerts for upcoming webinars? What topics would you like to see in the future? On-Demand Video Recording We use Camtasia from TechSmith to capture webinar presentations. Recordings are produced and posted to TechSmiths Screencast video hosting service. Then they are embedded onto a page on our website optimized for search engines and available for people to view (and share) anytime from the comfort of their office. Videos are produced and posted to our website within 3 hours of completing the webinar.
Follow-Up After the Webinar Follow-Up Specific s are sent to attendees and non-attendees providing them with a link to view the webinar video and download presentation slides. These are sent approximately 3 hours after the event, once the on-demand video recording is available from our website. On-Demand Webinars are promoted in future newsletters. Past newsletter links are changed – rather than linking to the defunct registration form, they link to the recorded webinar page.
Archive & Persistent Lead Generation Landing Page to Download Slides From the on-demand webinar page, people can click a link to a landing page customized to look like the presenters company website where visitors can complete a short form to download the slides. The form on the landing page is CRM cookie-based for contact information – most visitors just see the questions which include inviting them to join the webinar alert list. If a visitor is new, additional contact data is collected 1 step prior to the form with questions. Thank You Page The customized landing page links to a downloadable PDF copy of webinar slides. The page also includes a link to the presenters website. Because the webinar recording is archived and always available, it becomes a persistent lead generation tool for the companies that sponsor the webinars.