Jane Linsell – Director Student Services South Birmingham College
The staying safe outcome section A3 Leadership and Management section C
How safe do learners feel? What we observe (safe practices) What they tell us (feel safe)
YearReferrals (15 male/50 female)
Emotional 32% Neglect 47% Sexual 4% Multiple 3% Physical 14%
Good relationships with local safeguarding board High priority given to promotion of learner safety Rigorous individual and generic risk assessments Robust anti-bullying arrangements Clear lines of staff responsibility Appropriate and timely staff training Followed up with frequent refreshers CRB register meets legislative requirements Ofsted perspective What does outstanding safeguarding look like in practice?
The college provides a high level of security for students and demonstrates numerous good practice, which greatly exceeds essential requirements in respect of staff checks and training. Students feel very safe in the college environment.
Safeguarding is promoted well throughout the curriculum Students have a highly developed understanding of good health and safety practice Risk assessments are comprehensive & reliable Safeguarding arrangements are comprehensive
Central record of staff status and qualifications New members of staff cannot take up post without completing a new CRB College has a planned 3 year cycle of renewing staff CRBs Safeguarding Training for all staff (face to face, and online) was highlighted as a particularly good policy 99% of staff confirmed as having completed safeguarding training at time of inspection
Governors have completed CP training The extended team of Designated College Safeguarding Officers have completed enhanced training Working together to Safeguard Children (March 2010) - the College is currently reviewing this information to ensure we currently meet the requirements.
CP Procedure made clear through handbooks/posters/induction cards/intranet/training Guidelines for workplace providers and learners High priority in curriculum through course and tutorial sessions Learner voice class representative training Central safeguarding number
Male and female Safeguarding officers are located on all sites Parental, Employer and Learner Handbooks include procedure for reporting Rigorous and timely follow up on referrals Dedicated address Mentoring arrangements
Specialist H&S team Guidelines for workplace providers & learners Training for all staff Rigorous risk assessment Security I.D badges Safe smoking areas! PEEPS Robust first aid reporting Clean and Safe environment
Frequent and active promotion of safeguarding Cross college and course induction Learner Voice Conference workshops Student Union
Equality and Diversity is promoted throughout High priority in curriculum through course and tutorial sessions- E&D, Frequent and active promotion of safety Initial and diagnostic assessment Additional support Appropriate CRB checks for learners
Staying Safe week Cyber and Anti Bullying Competition Support groups Healthy Living Week Partnerships Health and Safety College intranet Youth Bytes Free breakfasts
Safeguarding is a very high priority Systematic arrangements for quality assurance Rigourous self assessment Learner Voice-Principal Question Time Observation of safeguarding Action Plans from Safeguarding & H&S Safeguarding (CP) Report Health and Safety strategic group Safeguarding steering group
Regular briefing sessions to staff, learners and employers Use Learner voice to prepare students Impact of event and partnership working Safeguarding reported through SAR Case studies- CP/Support workshops Profile of learners- e.g. Pre 16, Roma and ESOL young learners
Impact of event and partnership working Steering group action plan Safeguarding Report Additional support report E&D data- Bullying Surveys/learner satisfaction Observation feedback
Learners if they feel safe? What do they do in tutorials? Do staff know how to report? What relationship do you have with Safeguarding Board? Do staff understand the meaning of Safeguarding? How are staff trained and supported? Do learners and staff understand H&S? Central record?
Get you narrative right Share the briefing note with staff Agree meeting format Dont let them miss anything you want them to see Walk the talk