This is your first question out of 4 on your AS1 paper It is an IDENTIFY question and is based on knowledge It will ask you to IDENTIFY TWO things. Just clearly identify these two things. It could even be bullet points.. It DOES NOT require the use of the ITEM (NO EXPLANATION IS NEEDED) Set aside 2 MINUTES to answer this question. The quicker you do this the better and the more time you will have for bigger questions
Identify TWO areas of disagreement within the Executive Committee REMEMBER: The “Executive Committee” is simply the NI Executive Identify TWO areas of disagreement within the Executive Committee MAZE PRISON REDEVELOPMENT BREXIT – EQUAL MARRIAGE DEALING WITH THE PAST MARCHING RIGHTS LEGACY ISSUES IRISH LANGUAGE ACT THE USE OF FLAGS WELFARE REFORM – ABORTION SOME IDEAS ANSWER: Disagreement over Equal marriage Disagreement over the implications 0f Brexit
Identify TWO ways a committee can scrutinise LEGISLATIVE SCRUTINY INQUIRIES – CALLING FOR PERSONS AND PAPERS – to gather evidence QUESTIONING THE MINISTER SOME IDEAS ANSWER: They can call for Persons and Papers for evidence They can Question a Minister
Identify TWO ways power sharing is protected in the Assembly CROSS COMMUNITY VOTE – D’HONDT PETITIONS OF CONCERN – FIRST AND DEPUTY FIRST MINISTERS SOME IDEAS ANSWER: Petitions of concern on Key issues Use of d’Hondt to choose Ministers
Identify two features of the 1998 Belfast Agreement (GFA) Identify two features of the 2007 St Andrews Agreement. Identify two features of the 2014/15 Stormont House / Fresh Start Agreement Identify two features of consociational government (power sharing) Identify two strengths / weaknesses of the Single Transferable Vote electoral system. Identify two strengths / weaknesses of the First Past the Post electoral system. Identify two features of cross-community power-sharing. Identify two functions of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Identify two functions of the Speaker in the NI Assembly Identify two types of legislation. Identify two matters transferred to the devolved NI Assembly Identify two ways MLAs can fulfil their representative role Identify two ways MLAs can fulfil their legislative role Identify two stages of the legislative process Identify two ways MLAs can fulfil their scrutiny role Identify two ways MLAs can fulfil types of Legacy issues
Identify two types of question asked in the Assembly Identify two types of debates in the Assembly Identify two types of Assembly committees Identify two types of Standing Committees Identify two strengths / weaknesses / powers/ functions of statutory committees. Identify two criticisms of how MLAs carry out their functions Identify two areas of disagreement within the Executive Committee. Identify two areas of agreement within the Executive Committee. Identify two areas were the DUP and Sinn Fein have overcome their differences. Identify two ways in which the UUP / SDLP have attempted to reverse their decline. Identify two reasons for the decline of the UUP / SDLP Identify two reasons for the dominance of the DUP / SF over the UUP / SDLP Identify two DUP/SF/SDLP/UUP/AP polices