Using the Chromatic scale Spectrum Painting Using the Chromatic scale
Why is this important? After the first color chart it will be good to have the students have a project to help in mixing color. Given only red, yellow and blue will give the student another chance to mix color. Line as an element of art can be a design factor that helps produce the principles of composition. Using multiple line types will be a challenge that will test this knowledge of design.
Types of lines This is a painting that will use the Chromatic scale and different types of lines. There are 5 types of lines that we can use: Straight lines Bent lines Wavy lines Interrupted line Concentric line You will be able to use several types of lines to create a composition. Straight lines can vary in space between lines and go from one end to another with out change Bent lines are straight lines that change direction and vary the width between them.
More lines Wavy line uses curved lines that vary the distance between lines and exaggerate movement. Concentric line are a group of lines that have a common center for the group. Interrupted line go around a predetermined shape and can be bent or wavy.
Build a Composition When creating a line design select the types of lines to use. Use the division of thirds to have a target center of interest. Use the first line to establish movement and where the center of interest will be.
Add more lines Repeat the lines from the first line. You want to vary the distance between lines, and have them relate to each other. Keep adding lines so that the design keeps growing.
Plan out the painting We are going to use the color wheel or spectrum to color this design. Start planning with yellow because it is the brightest color. Place yellow in the center of interest area and label each shape with a color that goes around the color wheel. Label the colors so that you will be able to plan the entire painting before you start.
Get a 9x12 inch piece of chipboard, graphite and tape. Use the graphite on the back of the sketch until it is dark. Rub with a towel to rub the graphite in and remove any excess. Tape at the top of the board and trace over with a color pencil. Check to make sure it is transferring. Remove when done. Transfer to Chipboard
Transfer is complete and ready to paint When the transfer is complete it should be a light line but easy to see. Spray some workable fixative to seal the chipboard this will let the paint go on smoother.
Materials needed You will need : Tempera paint, Red, Yellow and Blue. Palette Water Paper towels Brushes Transferred board Optional- removable tape
Use the chromatic scale Use the scale or color wheel from color chart 1 to match the colors. This chromatic scale will be your guide for mixing the colors for the painting.
Hard edge painting This is a hard edge painting where straight lines will look good. You can use tape if you want to mask out an area. Use removable tape and tape around the area to be painted.
Using the removable tape Press down on the tape to make good contact. Use a knife to trim edges. Paint the area overlapping the tape and brush with tape and not into the tape. When dry , slowly lift the tape and remove to find a straight line.
Start Painting the Chromatic Scale Start with Red, Yellow and Blue because they are not mixed. Put paint in all the areas that need these colors. Start mixing the secondary colors. Use them every where they go because you will never mix the exact same color again.
Keep mixing Keep your edges straight and smooth. Paint all the areas before you mix another color. Overlap the edges of the shapes so that there will be no gaps.
Finished design If you have mixed correctly and painted good edges then it will look good. Use each color in the spectrum or chromatic scale.
Student examples Above shows warm against cool colors, the other is dominated by cool colors
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