Goals of Shakshar Bharat : 1. to raise literacy rate to 80% Centrally sponsored scheme , launched by the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 8th sep,2009. Came into operation from 1st oct,2009. Goals of Shakshar Bharat : 1. to raise literacy rate to 80% 2. to reduce gender gap to 10% 3. minimize social and regional disparities with focus on woman & other disadvantaged classes. About 370 districts with female literacy rate below 50%(as per census 2001) were covered under this scheme including 35 left wing extremism affected districts.
Objectives: 1. impart functional literacy to non literate 2. enable the neo-literate adults to continue their learning beyond basic literacy & acquire equivalency to formal educational system. 3. impart skill development programs to improve the earning & living condition of the stakeholders. 4. providing continuing education to create a learning society. Tergets: principle target - to impart functional literacy to 70 million adult of age 15 & above including 60 million female. auxiliary target - to cover 1.5 million adults under basic education program and 1.5 million under skill development program
The scheme includes : BASIC EDUCATION EQUIVALENCY PROGRAM SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BASIC EDUCATION : aims to achieve self reliance to reading, writing & arithmatic. EQUIVALENCY PROGRAM : aims to provide a 2nd chance to those who had missed opportunities of formal education, enables them to acquire equivalency to formal education levels upto 8 standard. SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM : skills such as tailoring ,soap making, beautician courses are being imparted under this component.
EFFECTS OF SHAKSHAR BHARAT MISSION IN INDIA Census 2011 revealed that Literacy in India has made remarkable strides. Literacy rate of India stands at 74.04%. Overall Literacy rate has grown by 9.24 per cent points in the last decade (64.80% in 2001 & 74.04% in 2011). The male literacy rate has grown by 6.88 per cent points (75.26% in 2001 & 82.14% in 2011) whereas female literacy rate 11.79 per cent points (53.67% in 2001 & 65.46% in 2011). Number of illiterates (7+ age group) decreased from 304.11 million in 2001 to 272.95 million in 2011. Gender disparity in literacy rates declined by 4.91 per cent points from 21.59 per cent points in 2001 to 16.68 per cent points in 2011.There has been a continuous decrease in gender gap in literacy since 1991 (24.89 per cent point).
EFFECT OF SHAKSHAR BHARAT MISSION ON DIFFERENT STATES OF INDIA States reported with literacy rate greater than 90% : Kerala (94%), Lakshadweep (91.85%) & Mizoram(91.33%) States with literacy rate between national average (72.99%) & below 90% : Tripura (87.22%), Goa (88.70%), Daman & Diu(87.10%), Puducherry (85.85%), Chandigarh (86.05 %), Delhi(86.21%), A&N Islands (86.63%), Himachal Pradesh (82.80%),Maharashtra (82. 34%), and Sikkim (81.42%) Tamil Nadu(80.09%), Nagaland (79.55%), Manipur (76.94%), Uttarakhand (78.82per cent), Gujarat(78.03%), Dadra & Nagar Haveli(76.24%), West Bengal (76.26%), Punjab (75.84%), Haryana(75.55%), Karnataka (75.36%) and Meghalaya (74.43%).
SHAKSHAR BHARAT IN WEST BENGAL 9 districts was included under this program. Later Paschim Medinipur is proposed to be included in the program since it is a left wing extrimism affected district. DISTRICT’S NAME FEMALE LITERACY RATE PURULIYA 29.57 UTTAR DINAJPUR 29.93 MALDAH 34.16 MURSHIDABAD 39.94 BANKURA 43.66 JALPAGURI 44.63 BIRBHUM 45.59 DAKSHIN DINAJPUR 46.64 KOCH BIHAR 47.22