SLAC DOE Program Review Gunther Haller SLAC June 13, 07 (650) 926-4257 SNAP Electronics
SNAP Electronics Overview SuperNova /Acceleration Probe SLAC Responsibility Overall Electronics System Engineering Instrument Control Unit Control, Monitoring & Readout of Focal-Plane Electronics Image Compression & Storage Unit Telescope Secondary Mirror Hexapod Cassegrain Shutters Calibration Unit Fine-Guider Thermal Control of all above Instrument Software Spacecraft Interface Power Command & Data Handling Transmission of Science Data to RF Transmitter Focal Plane with > 500,000 pixels Instrument Control Unit Spacecraft Image Storage To/from other sub-systems
Electronics Functions Interface to spacecraft (power, control, monitoring, science data transmission) Control & monitoring off on-board electronics components Science path Configuration and readout of detectors NIR: 36 devices 2kx2k CCD: 36 devices 3.5kx3.5k Spectrograph: 2 NIR detectors + 2 CCD’s Guider: Same as NIR, 4 devices 2kx2k Integration of NIR and CCD for 300sec followed by 30 sec readout time Compression (reduction by about factor of 2) of science data Science data to be stored for one day About 200 Gbytes (after compression) Downlink once a day, 3h, at 150 Mb/s rate
Electronics Slice-Box Data-Compression and Storage Instrument Control Unit Control Spacecraft Focalplane Electronics (cold) Warm Electronics
Instrument Control Unit Block Diagram Control, Monitoring & Readout of entire Instrument Electronics Focal-Plane Electronics Image Compression & Storage Unit Telescope Secondary Mirror Hexapod Cassegrain Shutters Calibration Unit Fine-Guider Power, Telemetry, and Science Data Spacecraft Interface Similar to GLAST LAT Control Unit
Relevant Electronics Expertise at SLAC Expertise designing and building electronics systems from detector all the way to off-line science processing Experience designing and building space-flight electronics Chief electronics engineer for GLAST Large Area Telescope Instrument Electronics From initial system and component design to delivering fully space-flight tested instrument Complete software development and testing On-board instrument software Ground instrument and science operations center software GLAST Observatory March 07