Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS)
Terminology Update!!! NEW term in place of RTI Nothing else has changed Process is the same!
MTSS Quick Facts A general education initiative Tier 1 & Tier 2 occur in the classroom and are provided by the general education teacher At least 80% of your students should respond to your Tier 1 instruction Tier 2 requires small group instruction Data is used to determine if a students needs to move to a different tier You are not trying to prove that a student has a disability You are trying to determine whether you have tricks in your bag that will allow the child to improve their learning
Why should you collect data? We are not taking your word for it You can’t just have a hunch about things It’s best practice! Data collected during Tiers 1, 2 and 3 are used to make the eligibility decision. The new teacher evaluation system assesses your documentation of student progress
Tier 1 Components All students receive high-quality instruction that is culturally and linguistically responsive and aligned to CCSS. Instruction and activities are DIFFERENTIATED. Recognize students' varying background knowledge, readiness, language, preferences in learning and interests; and react responsively Provide multiple, flexible methods of presentation Provide multiple media and formats (manipulate size, color contrasts, and other features to develop examples in multiple media and formats) Provide options for a variety of activities Assessments align to exactly what was taught.
MTSS Start-up Process Refer to “Overview of Procedures” sheet Monitor student progress for 4-6 weeks Attend PD’s & research strategies Use “Student Selection for Tier 2” sheet Analyze NWEA student data from Spring 2013
MTSS/RTI Folder Differentiated Instruction and RTI: A Natural Fit Article Student Selection for Tier 2 Overview of Procedures Academic Process Checklist Intervention Planning Form Intervention Planning Form Sample Parent Communication Log Progress Monitoring Chart Progress Monitoring Chart Samples Intervention Team Review Intervention Team Action Plan Intervention Team Action Plan Update RTI FAQ’s Resources
Student Selection for Tier 2 Activity In groups of four, please answer the following questions: Using the sample NWEA student data and the Student Selection for Tier 2 sheet, which students would receive targeted, small group instruction in your classroom? What data set did you use to help you determine this? Which areas of Math and/or Reading would your small group instruction target? What PD’s would you attend and which area/s of Math and/or Reading would you research to help you support your students? What other data can you use to help triangulate your findings?