CIVIC EDUCATION Meeting 1 I N T R O D U C T I O N TOPICS 1. The background of Civic Education 2. The Legal Basis of goals and scope 3. Civic Education Paradigm 4. The flows of throught 5. The Four Pillars of National Consensus (Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, The Unitary State of Indonesia, Bhineka Tunggal Ika) 6. Group Making
1. Background, legal basis, goals, scope, and paradigm 1. Background, legal basis, goals, scope, and paradigm. - The word ‘Civic’ derives from Latin word ‘civicus’ means ‘about citizen’ or cives. Civic education means ‘educating cives (uncivilized) to be good person who live together in peace, fully protected by government and have social justice and welfare for all in a society or civitas (state). But, why, what and how should Indonesian citizens be educated? - According to Act 261/Dirjern.Dikti/2000 and Act 38/Dikti/2002) Civic Education is a compulsory for Indonesian students including expatriates. This is the legal basis why Civic Education becomes compulsory subject for UPH students.
2. CIVIC EDUCATION IN UPH (as it is written explisitly in the SAP) Let’s study the SAP
NOTES: 1. Every student should take notes on key terms, special definitions and summary or conclusion of each session. 2. This notes will be checked by the lecturer at the 10th meeting and will be counted as mark-added for Kat 1. 3. Every group should prepare one of the following topic for next meeting: a. Odd groups: President Decree, 5 July 1959 b. Even groups: The Speech of the RI president, 17 August 1959 Notes: 1). Central idea/ideas 2). Background 3). Special condition for Indonesian at that time.