Work in 2018 Emerging trends in data Costing, value and use of statistics Building bridges Caveat Countries and regional organisations timetable Additional requests over the year
Activities by Category and Region Activity type
Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Incubator - Highlights Cross Regional Forum on NSS modernisation and implementation of CD4.0 Guidelines on Data Flow Assessment Framework (DFAF) and NSS co-ordination Pilot data collaborative on new data sources and analytics in Nepal Expert Group on Costing Data and Statistical Systems; Task Team on Moving one STEP forward Expert meeting on Value and Use of Statistics Citizen-generated Data
Advocacy - Highlights Champion for Statistical Development Statistical Capacity Development Outlook Data Journalists Network SIDS platform and NSO leaders platform
Co-ordination and Monitoring - Highlights NSDSs (support in Africa, Asia & Pacific and LAC); RSDS (support to CARICOM); Report on the NSDS status in developing countries and the NSDS Guidelines for SIDSs ADAPT support for SDG assessment and NSDS M&E Peer reviews with AUC and Eurostat in Africa, in Asia with ASEAN SDG Reporting 17.18.3 (national statistical plan) 17.19.1 (resources for statistical capacity) 17.18.2 (statistical legislation)
Technical Support - Highlights Pilot adoption of .Stat Suite NSO Human Resources Strategy in Philippines and Senegal Statistical leadership training in the Caribbean SDMX implementation at country level Institutional Strengthening of the NSO in Grenada
Working with partners
Financial Update The financial situation over the past years is an indicator of our work. The programme implementation costs over time have remained relatively stable at about 4M per year. Although this is less than we aimed to get in our new strategy (scenario of 7M EUR). We gained in the core programme while the ADP/IHSN programme ended.
Financial Update This graphic shows how grants arrive: because many of the grants are multi-year, we can see that there are peaks and valleys in the way funding arrives.
If we look at the overall financial health of PARIS21 this year and in the future, you can see that in 2018, we are fully funded, but from 2019 we have a significant gap.
Financial Update We have been making an effort to broaden our donor base and have been seeking funding from new donors and you can see that this year, we expect to have 15 donors, which is quite a bit more than in the past. These donors include Foundations, Development banks, Non-member countries and private entities.
Financial Update The trend, however, is for more earmarking. From 2012 to now, you can see that the number of earmarked grants has really increased. This year 80% of our potential grants are earmarked.
Financial Update: Current situation 2018 funding secured received only 35% of funding needed for 2019 15 donors approached for funding 10 new donors 5 previous donors So in summary, the current situation for 2018 is that our work programme is fully funded, but from 2019 and beyond, we have a significant gap. We have been working hard to fill that gap and have approached 15 donors. 10 of those are new donors. The reality is that when we do get these grants in, they are smaller grants, not multi-year, they are earmarked (sometimes extremely earmarked), our staff spend a great deal of time developing these grant proposals and also building relationships with these new potential donors, and the new donors require more reporting – both financial and substance reports. So staff time is being spent fundraising and reporting rather than on our real core work. Smaller grants, more earmarking, staff time spent on developing proposals, forging relationships, more reporting
Financial Update: Looking forward Boost multi-annual unearmarked funding New funding modalities Unearmarked funding is important for flexibility, for co-financing other grants, and to keep administrative costs down. We may need to look at new funding modalities such as cost sharing, secondments, staff on loan, sponsorship, PARIS21 Advisory Unit (which we will speak about a bit later)… Due to the earmarked nature of the grants, our work programme also runs the risk of becoming donor driven rather than demand driven. Donor driven vs demand driven