Session #58 802.16 Relay TG Closing Remarks IEEE 802.16 Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 9) Document Number: IEEE 802.16j-08/017r1 Date Submitted: 2008-11-13 Source: Mitsuo Nohara Voice: +81 3 6678 6128 Relay TG Chair, KDDI R&D Labs. E-mail: 3-10-10, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8460 Japan *<> Venue: IEEE 802.16 Session #58, Dallas, TX, USA Base Contribution: None Purpose: TG Meeting organization, revised to include the Relay TG Closing results. Notice: This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. Patent Policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: <> and <>. Further information is located at <> and < >.2
Session #58 802.16 Relay TG Closing Remarks 16th Task Group Meeting on Multi-hop Relay in IEEE 802.16 Relay TG Chair Mitsuo Nohara Vice Chair Peiying Zhu Technical Editor/Secretary Jung Je Son Technical Editor Mike Hart IEEE802.16 Relay TG Meeting 10-13 Nov., 2008, Dallas, TX, USA
Objectives of this 16th TG Meeting To advance the development of the P802.16j Draft Standard (IEEE P802.16j/D7) Through the Comment resolutions (IEEE 802.16-08/055) To obtain EC’s conditional approval for RevCom submittal, assuming the Rev2 completion (and to enter the Sponsor Ballot Confirmation Recirc.)
Where are we? Sponsor Ballot on IEEE P802.16j/D7 (10 Nov. – 13 Nov., 2008) 57 Comments Resolved 30 Editorial (incl. 0 as Disapproval Condition) 26 Technical (incl. 1 as Disapproval Condition) 1 N/A (incl. 4 Late) 17 Contributions (incl. 2 late and 1 on-site) Comment Resolutions captured on 80216-08/055r2 Binding Comments (1 in total) Agree: 1 T, 1 in total Non-Binding Comments (56 in total) Agree: 12 T, 22 E, 34 in total Principle: 5 T, 4 E, 9 in total Disagree: 5 T, 2 E, 7 in total Supercede: 3 T, 2 E, 5 in total Withdraw: 1 N/A, 1 in total Total: 57 T: Technical, E: Editorial
Where are we? (Cont.) Sponsor Ballot on IEEE P802.16j/D7 (10 Nov. – 13 Nov., 2008) There we had: 5 Disapprove Voters, 26 Binding Comments (25 from 08-048DB, 1 from 08-055) Now there we have: 3 Disapprove Voters, (2 flipped, cleared out 17 comments) 3 Binding Comments (all from 08-048DB, rev2-alignment related) 377/08-048r3 326/08-048r3 373/08-048r3
3 Binding Comments (all from 08-048DB, rev2-alignment related, 1/3) Inconsistent editorial application throughout much of the document. Portions of the document are written to editorial modify IEEE 802.16e-2005. Portions are written to modify iterations of the Rev2 draft. All without properdistinguishing notation. Cannot tell which document 16j is attempting to amend. In any case, 16j will have to be aligned to amend the standard that is due to be approved based on the Rev2 draft. Suggested Remedy Modify the editorial instructions to consistently amend the final, pre-publication, and eventually final publication revision of the Rev2 document. Verify that there are no technical conflicts. Actually, I believe there already are conflicts in the UIUC Extended-2 code space use. Fix technical conflicts that arise. (note: This part resolved through Com #376 resolution.) Group Resolution: Principle Group agree the comments. Group has started the ad hoc for alignment with Rev2 draft before entering sponsor ballot. And group made alignment with D5 and approved the text changes required for alignment with D6a. And ad hoc group will keep the work for alignment with Rev2 until it release as standard. Please refer to 08/144 and 08/145r1 for the result of alignment to Rev2/D5 and Rev2/D6a. And for technical conflict, we identified the problem and adopted the contribution 08/154r1.
3 Binding Comments (all from 08-048DB, rev2-alignment related, 2/3) This document is not ready for submittal to RevCom because, according to the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, Subclause 8.1.2: Up to three amendments can be approved before the standard shall be revised, unless the base standard has been approved or reaffirmed within the past three years. In the latter case, multiple amendments may be added until the base standard is three years old or three years have elapsed since the most recent reaffirmation of the standard. After the three-year period, RevCom shall defer consideration of additional amendments or corrigenda until a revision or a two-year extension request is approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board. The base standard (IEEE Std 802.16-2004) is more than three years old, and it has been subject to three amendments (802.16e, 802.16f, and 802.16g). Therefore, this amendment cannot be approved until the current 802.16 revision project is complete. Suggested Remedy Defer submission to RevCom until the current 802.16 revision project is complete and the resulting draft is approved. Revise draft to ensure that it is fully aligned, editorially, with the P802.16Rev2 revision draft. Ensure that draft is consistent with the other ongoing project (namely, P80216h) that would amend the same document. Group Resolution: Principle Group agree the comments. Group has started the ad hoc for alignment with Rev2 draft before entering sponsor ballot. And group made alignment with D5 and approved the text changes required for alignment with D6a. And ad hoc group will keep the work for alignment with Rev2 until it release as standard. Please refer to 08/144 and 08/145r1 for the result of alignment to Rev2/D5 and Rev2/D6a.
3 Binding Comments (all from 08-048DB, rev2-alignment related) Page 1 line 38 says: "Temporary note: All references in this version of the draft amendment are relative to P802.16Rev2/D5 (June 2008)." The IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual states in 1.2 that an amendment is "A document that contains new material to an existing IEEE standard and may contain technical corrections to that standard." This amendment appears to have been written to amend an unapproved working draft of a revision. Suggested Remedy Re-write the amendment to contain new material to an existing IEEE standard. Group Resolution: Principle Group agree the comments. Group has started the ad hoc for alignment with Rev2 draft before entering sponsor ballot. And group made alignment with D5 and approved the text changes required for alignment with D6a. And ad hoc group will keep the work for alignment with Rev2 until it release as standard. Please refer to 08/144 and 08/145r1 for the result of alignment to Rev2/D5 and Rev2/D6a.
Motions at the TG Opening To approve the meeting agenda, IEEE802.16j-08/016 1st: Michiharu Nakamura, 2nd: Kanchei Loa, at 16:40 result: passed with no objections To approve Session #57 802.16 Relay TG Minutes (IEEE 802.16j-08/015) 1st: Michiharu Nakamura, 2nd: Avner Aloush, at 16:45
Agenda by Calendar Mon PM (16:00-18:00) Opening, agenda and minutes review Summary of Sponsor Ballot Recirculation and inputs to meeting Rev2 Alignment Ad-hoc Report and Plan in Dallas Process for expediting resolutions Start technical comment resolution Tue (08:00-11:00) Comment resolution Wed (08:00-11:00 and 15:00-17:30) Thu (11:30-13:00 and 16:00-18:00) Closing, Motions to WG Closing Plenary * WG Closing Plenary (19:00-22:00) 10
Relay Standard Development Plan Relay 16j Maint 16rev2 Sept. ‘08 Session Kobe D7 Rev2 Alignment D7 Sponsor Ballot Sponsor Ballot SB Comment SB Comment Nov. ‘08 Session Dallas Comment Res. Comment Res. EC Conditional Approval to RevCom EC Conditional Approval to RevCom D8 D8 Rev2 Alignment Sponsor Ballot for Confirmation Sponsor Ballot SB-C Comment SB-C Comment Jan. ’09 Session La Jolla confirmation confirmation D9 D9 Editorial Alignment Rev2 Alignment Sponsor Ballot – for Confirmation Sponsor Ballot for confirmation SB-C Confirmation SB-C No Comment confirmation confirmation 6 Feb. ’09, RevCom to RevCom to RevCom Relay Standard Development Plan
Motions at Relay TG Closing To authorize the Relay TG Chair to organize the rev2 alignment study ad-hoc group led by Gamini Senarath to review the rev2 draft and provide its recommendation set for the relay draft revision to the relay TG chair team. 1st: Mitsuo Nohara. 2nd: Dorin Viorel. at 17:43. Result: passed, 3/0/0 To authorize the Technical Editors to revise the draft (P802.16j/D7) to accommodate the comment resolutions as defined in 802.16-08/055r2 or latest and the input from the rev2 alignment ad-hoc. 1st: Mitsuo Nohara. 2nd: Dorin Viorel, at 17:45. Result: passed, 3/0/0 To authorize the TG Chair to request the working group approve P802.16j/D8 as revised draft and to proceed to Sponsor Ballot confirmation recirculation, to close about 20 Dec., 2008. 1st : Mitsuo Nohara, 2nd :Dorin Viorel, at 17:47, Result: passed 3/0/0 To authorize the TG Chair to request the working group approve to request EC its conditional approval for RevCom submittal of the P802.16j/D8 or latest. 1st: Mitsuo Nohara, 2nd: Michiharu Nakamura, at 17:49. Result: passed, 3/0/0
Motion to come at 802.16WG Closing To approve P802.16j/D8 (to be issued by the Relay TG Editors) as the revised working group draft and to authorize the WG Chair to proceed to the Sponsor Ballot confirmation recirculation, to close by about 20 Dec., 2008. 1st : , 2nd :, at :, Result: To authorize the WG Chair to request EC’s conditional approval for RevCom submittal of the P802.16j/D8 or latest. 1st: , 2nd: , at :. Result:
Relay-TG Meeting Calendar This Week 16:00-18:00, Mon. 10 Nov. 08:00-11:00, Tue. 11 Nov. 08:00-11:00/13:00-17:30, Wed. 12 Nov. 11:30-13:00/16:00-17:30, Thu. 13 Nov. *all at: Room Reunion-E Hyatt Regency Dallas, Dallas, TX, USA Thank you! *Reference: C802.16-005/013