Getting on Board: A Student’s Journey on a BAOT/COT Functional Board Introduction Between 2010 and 2012 I have held the position of student member on the Membership & External Affairs Board. This has offered me a unique opportunity to develop skills for professional practice required by the National Health Service Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS KSF) as listed in the Preceptorship Handbook for Occupational Therapists. (Morley, 2012) I view my time working with this board as a personal journey analogous with travelling on a tube train through many stations. The central hub is The College of Occupational Therapists (COT) and the train lines represent five NHS KSF dimensions. Each destination offers one or more opportunities for learning and reflection. Colour key Relating to NHS KSF dimensions Communication Quality Equality & Diversity Personal & People Development Service Improvement C T Problem solving My Journey Promoting student involvement Volunteering Sharing information Writing for OT News Sharing decision making Using personal initiative Keeping up to date Representing views Improving services Attending meetings Teamwork Dealing with student enquiries Organisation Presenting information Two Aerials meet on a roof - fall in love - get married. The ceremony was rubbish but the reception was brilliant. Arial 8pt in white This text is in a text box that has been placed over the picture, this is useful for explaining what the picture or diagram is about. Arial 16pt in white Presenting a positive team image Creating a social media profile Attending conference Conclusion Reflecting on the opportunities I’ve had from working with this board, I realise that my personal journey has been rich, varied and valuable. Active involvement within my profession has developed my skills and confidence. The experience I have gained will facilitate my current transition from student to therapist. Ashley Bilen Teesside University References Morley, Dr. Mary (2012) Preceptorship Handbook for Occupational Therapists. 3rd ed. London: College of Occupational Therapists.