Growing Up Fit Together for 2nd grade Lesson 7 Growing Up Fit Together for 2nd grade
Review of Lessons Today we are on our last lesson of the Growing Up Fit Together program for this year. We will do a quick review of the lessons we learned and then we will learn important rules for the summer.
Lesson 1: What is Five N Jive? In Lesson 1 we talked about Five N Jives. Remember we said Five N Jives are five minutes of physical activity or movements that help us to stay healthy. Our exercises are on the poster that your teacher hung up in the classroom
Lesson 2: MyPlate Remember in Lesson 2 We talked about MyPlate? We learned that each colored section represents a food group.
MyPlate Let’s name each of the food groups: Orange ----- Grains group Green ----- Vegetables group Red-------- Fruits group Blue ------- Milk group Purple ----- Proteins group
Lesson 3: Types of Physical Activity In lesson 3 we learned about 3 different types of physical activity that are important to keeping our body healthy. Let’s look at those three types of activities again and see if you remember them.
Types of Physical Activity Vigorous Activity Also called cardiovascular activities. This means that these types of exercises make your heart beat faster. When you body sweats from doing these types of activities, it acts as an “air conditioner” to bring your body’s temperature down.
Types of Physical Activity Stretching This activity involves bending, stretching, and reaching. These activities do not make our hearts beat faster, but they help us to stretch our bodies and become more flexible.
Types of Physical Activity Strength Activity These activities help build strong bones and muscles. They also help you maintain your posture. Some of these activities involve pushing, pulling, push-ups, and climbing.
REMEMBER: You must exercise for 60 minutes or 1 hour everyday.
Lesson 4: 3 Rules for a Healthy Heart 1. Eat a variety of healthy foods 2. Get moving and be active. 3. Breathe smoke-free air, and don’t smoke.
Lesson 5: Brushing Our Teeth Brush 2 times a day. Brush in the morning and at night. Brush in little circles. Learn to floss your teeth. Visit the dentist regularly.
Lesson 6: Snacks You should try to eat snacks from the 5 major food groups on the food guide pyramid. Can you name me some healthy snacks? You should limit snacks from the yellow group to just one a day. We also learned how to read food labels.
Lesson 7: Sun Safety You skin is an organ that helps to cool down your body when you sweat, warm up your body when you are cold, and it also helps protect the inside of our body from germs. We will learn 3 important rules to take care of our skin in the summer.
Sun Safety SLAP SLIP SLOP Slip on a cotton shirt, pants, and shoes on a sunny day between 10 am and 4 pm when the sun can do the most damage. SLAP Slap on a hat to protect your head and the skin on your face and ears. SLOP Slop on sunscreen. This helps protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Put it on 30-45 minutes before going outside. Then again every 45 minutes.
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