The Crucible Act I Vocabulary
1. Predilection (N). –a tendency to think favorably of something in particular 2. Parochial (Adj.) –of or pertaining to a parish; very limited or narrow in space or outlook 3. Ingratiating (Adj.) –charming, agreeable, pleasing; deliberately meant to gain favor
Dissembling (V). –give false or misleading appearance to; conceal the truth or real nature of-pretense 5. Subservient (Adj.) –serving or acting in a subordinate capacity
Calumny (N.)—a false and malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or something. 7. Inferentially (Adv.)—determined by reasoning from something known or assumed
8. Inculcation (N.)—teaching by repetition and insistent urging 9. Propitiation (N.)—appeasement or conciliation (to overcome the distrust or hostility of; placate; win over)
10. Licentious (Adj.)—disregarding accepted rules 11. Covenant (N.)—a binding agreement; a compact
12. Prodigious (Adj.)—wonderful or marvelous; extraordinary in size