CONTENTS: Computer Network WAN Overview Pubic Network Services Internet Switching Lines ATM ( Asynchronous Transfer Mode) ISDN ( Integrated Services Digital Interface)
Computer Networks : Collection of hardware components and computers interconnected by communications channels that allow sharing of resources and information. Different devices are connected through some specific media for the communication of data and resources. Other devices can also connect for the sharing of data like mobiles.
Communications Information preservation Sharing H/w & S/w Sharing data/info Sharing files
Wan overview: Wide Area Network It communicates a large geographic area such as a city, a country or continents. Using communication channels such as telephone lines, cables, and air waves.
Means of communication to the whole world. Cost goes higher because of media used. Speed becomes slow due to large area. Routers and boosters are used to speed up signals.
Pubic Network Services: Also called PSN. Create a ‘network of networks’ for the Public Sector from the existing commercial networks. Providing opportunities for industry, and savings for the Public Sector.
Create the effect of a single, secure communications network from hundreds of disconnected infrastructures for the whole of the Public Sector. create a safe and secure 'internet' for the Public Sector.
Internet: Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks. Use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide.
Provides safe and secure search. People can communicate with each other through social medias.
Switching: A network switch or switching hub is a computer networking device that connects network segments or network devices this process is called switching. Processes and routes data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model.
In telecommunications, a circuit switching network is one that establishes a fixed bandwidth circuit (or channel) between nodes and terminals. For example telephone network as shown in the figure. Circuit switching:
Packet switching is a digital networking communications method that converts all transmitted data into suitably sized blocks, called packets. Internet Protocol (IP) is an example of packet switching. Packet switching:
The process by which data transmissions are stored until a proper circuit is available so that they can be forwarded. It can store messages if a network is congested. It improves bandwidth utilization Message switching:
Lines: Lines means the media through which the data is transferred from one point to another. For example: Dial-Up lines. Analog Dedicated Lines. Digital lines
Dial-Up lines uses modem and a telephone line to connect to the Internet. Analog Dedicated Lines are wires (cable) that carries an analog signal and can transfer one signal at a time. Digital lines provides high-speed networking over ordinary phone lines using broadband modem technology. this technology allows Internet and telephone service to work over the same phone line without requiring customers to disconnect either their voice or Internet connections.
ATM ( Asynchronous Transfer Mode): ATM is a standard switching technique, designed to unify telecommunication and computer networks. It encodes data into small, fixed-sized cells. ATM is a technology that is capable of transferring voice, video, and data through private and public networks.
ISDN ( Integrated Services Digital Interface): Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a set of ITU-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunications Union) standards for digital transmission over ordinary telephone copper wire as well as over other media. ISDN provides the integration of both analog or voice data together with digital data over the same network.