PMG Patient Information Evening 12th March 2018
Contributors Becky Barratt (Community Pharmacist) Richard Thomson (GP) Gerwyn Owen (GP)
Topics for this evening Role of the Community Pharmacist Common Childhood Illnesses Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis
Polymyalgia Rheumatica(PMR) and Giant Cell Arteritis(GCA) PMR is an inflammatory condition of unknown cause Symptoms of severe bilateral pain and morning stiffness of shoulders, neck and pelvic girdle GCA is thought to be related to PMR and 15% of those with PMR go on to develop GCA GCA symptoms include headache, jaw muscle pain on chewing and visual disturbance
PMR and GCA Annual incidence is 84 per 100,000 in UK population Almost exclusively in the over 50s with a mean onset of about 73 Female : male ratio approximately 3:1 Mainly a North European disease
PMR and GCA Investigations: Plasma viscosity/ESR/CRP show inflammation Other bloods and urine tests to exclude other conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Thyroid disease, Polymyositis, Malignant Disease
PMR and GCA Both conditions respond to glucocorticosteroids- Prednisolone GCA needs urgent treatment with biopsy so therefore specialist referral Dose usually starts high and then reduced over time with monitoring of symptoms and inflammatory blood markers Treatment usually for 1-2 years Bone protection with medication
PMR and GCA Specialist referral when fail to respond Relapse is common Local support group Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis: a survival guide. 2nd Edition. Kate Gilbert ISBN: 1533523541
PMR and GCA Questions