OUTLINE Background Main Functions of MCC MCC Contribution to improving quality of health care services Challenges Recommendations FUNCTION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PPP PROMOTION H.E. Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, MoH, President of MCC 1of 11
BACKGROUND OF MCC What is MCC? An autonomous institution initiated and established by MoH for controlling medical professionals recognized by the Ministry of Health (MoEYS, ACC) The institution was appointed by the Royal Decree signed on 1/Feb/2000 All medical professionals must register with MCC FUNCTION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PPP PROMOTION H.E. Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, MoH, President of MCC 2of 11
MAIN FUNCTIONS OF MCC Why do we need MCC? To ensure the updated skills and capacity of medical professionals MCC reviews medical professionals qualifications prior to accepting the registration and licensing medical practices MCC monitors medical practices, ethics, and all other regulations of all medical professionals FUNCTION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PPP PROMOTION H.E. Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, MoH, President of MCC 3of 11
MAIN FUNCTIONS Who Should cover under the MCC? All medical professionals including -Public providers -Private providers -National and Foreign health providers FUNCTION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PPP PROMOTION H.E. Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, MoH, President of MCC 4of 11
THE MAIN MISSIONS OF MCC Control quality of basic training Control qualification of medical professionals through registering and licensing Control quality and safety of health care services ensuring the safety of patients and physicians through continuing education and re-registering (re-licensing) on three-year basis By doing so the MCC will enhance the nobility of medical professionals FUNCTION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PPP PROMOTION H.E. Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, MoH, President of MCC 5of 11
THE MAIN MISSIONS OF MCC MCC shall issue some directives/circulars/decisions for all registered medical professionals to comply with Continuing Medical Education Credit Program Medical practitioner who did not practice within the past three years requires re-registering and re- licensing by MCC FUNCTION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PPP PROMOTION H.E. Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, MoH, President of MCC 6of 11
MCC CONTRIBUTION TO IMPROVING QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES Through registration and licensing for all medical practices in Cambodia, MCC plays major roles in ensuring quality of care for both sectors CME Credit program required for both public and private providers to ensure their updated medical skills Enforcing the compliance of all national protocols/guidelines/and policies in all medical practices FUNCTION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PPP PROMOTION H.E. Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, MoH, President of MCC 7of 11
KEY CHALLENGES OF MCC FUNCTION Quality of registration is limited Number of registered medical professionals are also limited Registration fee: $60 Short of staff within the secretariat of MCC Shortage of financial support for staff The study on weakness of registration has not yet been done FUNCTION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PPP PROMOTION H.E. Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, MoH, President of MCC 8of 11
KEY CHALLENGES OF MCC FUNCTION Low implementation of all circulars/directives/decisions of MCC Some physicians understand the importance of respecting all MCCs directives but some would not understand or pretend to not understand Some understand but not comply with No sanction is applied to those who do not respect and comply with MCCs directives FUNCTION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PPP PROMOTION H.E. Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, MoH, President of MCC 9of 11
RECOMMENDATIONS TO ADDRESS THE CHALLENGES Mobilize adequate funding to run MCC Need sufficient HR to make MCC well function Conduct assessment to identify way forward to improve the function of MCC Improve M&E system Partner with all other stakeholders FUNCTION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PPP PROMOTION H.E. Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, MoH, President of MCC 10of 11
THANK YOU! FUNCTION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PPP PROMOTION H.E. Professor Thir Kruy, Secretary of State, MoH, President of MCC 11of 11