Research Notes 2009-2010
Research Website
Sources Less than five (5) sources Be ready to receive 10 Fs. 5 sources minimum of one (1) print source 7 sources no print source required, electronic sources only Facts On File = one source, no matter how many articles you get from this database; same goes for all of the other databases (It’s like Reading Plus many lessons in one day still equals one session.) 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, etc.
Utilize MLA Style Header (your last name and page number) Margins one (1) inch all the way around Spacing double spaced throughout NO EXCEPTIONS! First page – first page of paper NO COVER PAGE Has full heading in MLA style First/Last name Teacher’s name Class/period Date DATE MONTH YEAR (NO COMMAS)
Utilize MLA Style Title centered (capitalized correctly) NOT UNDERLINED Should not be topic (e.g. Police Officer, Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement) Requires thought, should reveal more than just topic; what’s your angle NO HEADER ON FIRST PAGE Parenthetical documentation (last name page) NO COMMA IN BETWEEN Utilized for all note types: summary, paraphrase, direct quote, partial quote, or any combination. In other words, cite others’ ideas, not just their words; it doesn’t belong to you because you put it in your own words.
Utilize MLA Style Works cited Utilize hanging indent. Alphabetized By author mostly, sometimes by title of book or article (when no author available) Strict MLA style must be followed. We’ll talk more about this. Directions usually available from database help link
You must include the following in final submission or be ready to receive ten (10) Fs: Bibliography cards Note cards Outline Rough draft Majorly edited!!!!!!!!!!! Final draft Photocopies of the following, if you use a print source: Title page of book Copyright page of book Pages used from book Highlight information used Label information with type of note taken (summary, paraphrase, direct/partial quote, etc.) PAPER MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA TURNITIN.COM More information coming soon
(Postmark date determines number of grades deducted.) THE FINAL PAPER IS DUE ON Wednesday and Thursday, April 20-21. NO EXCUSES, NO EXTENSIONS, SO MAKE SURE IT IS HERE, WHETHER YOU ARE OR NOT. MOST IMPORTANTLY, MAKE SURE THE PAPER IS SUBMITTED VIA TURNITIN.COM BY MIDNIGHT TBA; OTHERWISE, IT WILL NO LONGER BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE A GRADE OTHER THAN F (MULTIPLE GRADES). 1410 County Line Road Miami, FL 33179 (Postmark date determines number of grades deducted.) Send with delivery confirmation!